Random question (actually, something I saw being asked elsewhere online): Is there a canonical singular form of the Sindarin word 'Galadhrim'? ('Tree-folk', referring to the people of Lothlórien.) After some research I guessed at Galadhel ('tree-elf') but I'd be inrerested to know if it's been discussed already elsewhere and a consensus reached.
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There's nothing more annoying than an egomaniac with the skills to back it up.
For the first: not really. Was Steve Jobs a better craftsman than Leonardo da Vinci because Leonardo never invented the iPhone?
Like most things Tolkien this has been discussed many times, aafaik there's no real census. Or the census is that there just isn't a singular, like with the word "foliage" or "water", or come to think of it "people" Sure you can say leaf, drop of water(?) and person but they aren't the singular form of the mentioned words.
Personally I think Elves would say "One of the Galadhrim"
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