
Apr 05, 2010 09:27

Welcome to stormwriters!

This a fic community made for one purpose alone - to enjoy writing and reading.

Membership is open, but please do read the rules first :)

This community was created as response to a growing dissatisfaction towards a lot of things, and we'd like to honestly explain a bit.

All of us, the mods and maintainers, were growing tired of the increase of banners and lack of proper grammar and spelling. We thought it was time to see if there was the need for a more serious fic community, and more importantly, to see if it could be done. This was the result. We're trying our best here to make reading a pleasurable experience without weird formatting, chat speak and banners that stretch the pages.
The rules might appear to be over the top, but we're just starting out, and things are still subject to change :)
Membership is open :)

This community has moderated posting

- Standard formatting for all posts. If this isn’t followed, post will be rejected
- No color coding!
- All fics must be in English
- No banners
- No plagiarism
- No random Japanese sentences in the fics - suffixes, food, names and places are allowed
- All fics will have to be beta’d or looked over by a mod
- Proper tagging - if you need a tag, tell a mod
- Only one update per user per day - this will lighten the flists
- No posting anything other than fics - All entries will be m-locked
- No linking to locked communities
- Fake cuts are highly encouraged
- All entries must be approved by a mod - that goes for the mods' fics, as well

If your entry is rejected, you’ll get notified by a mod why it wasn’t accepted.

At the moment, we're working on a system that will make betas available for those who need it.

This is the standard formatting:
Word count:
Author's Notes:

Don't forget - the rules are here to help, not to hinder your creativity or efforts - we highly encourage as many as possible to try this out :)
And please remember that the mods are here to help you and make this comm easier for you, so if you have any questions, just ask.

Please enjoy your stay :)

!mod hat

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