Email: kajichan AT
AIM: xirredeemedx
Skype: tomarimase
CHARACTER'S NAME: Michele Bollai Tsukishima
AGE: 16
GRADE: 11th/Second Year
CLUBS: Archery, Boxing, Swimming
SEX: Male
PLAYED BY: Teito Klein from 07-Ghost
PERSONA: Michael
WEAK; Dark, Water
NULL/BLOCK; Light, Fire
Garu, Bash, Agi
ARCANA: The Lovers
Michele is…a very energetic young man. Having inherited his father’s energy and enthusiasm, he is stubborn, fiery, and bold.. He is a kind boy, although fairly withdrawn due to the massive amounts of teasing he’d grown up with for being half-Italian. However, Michele very rarely holds grudges-or perhaps it’s more accurate to say, he only holds them for the most dire of acts. Once he has decided to hate you, that’s it-it’s near impossible to get Michele to change his mind. Michele was raised to believe in kindness above all, and if you ask him to help you, he’ll drop everything to do so.
However, since Michele is withdrawn and shy, he tends to go completely unnoticed. He doesn’t speak much unless he knows the other person well, and he is rather awkward in social situations. Because of the mixed household he was raised in-and the odd clash of Italian and Japanese culture-he tends to feel like a fish out of water in nearly all social situations. He’s contact-starved-while Italians are a rather tactile people, the Japanese aren’t, and living in Japan means he must hedge on not being able to.
Michele is also a bit…distractable. He tends to space out, going off into thinking very odd things, making up glorious stories in his head. He rarely writes them down, but he has a gift for words, and he never forgets the details, even in the telling. However, he’s extremely protective of the things he creates, and worries that people would just think them odd, so he doesn’t talk about them. He’ll also tend to get lost in those stories sometimes…when that happens, details will suddenly work themselves into any conversation he happens to have. If Michele is surprised or startled, he tends to spazz. He’s intelligent, but really not the most observant of creatures. At all.
Guiseppe Bollai was a simple man, a cook who came to Japan because of the rising popularity of ‘Neopolitan’ and ‘Italian’ dishes. He came young, with only the ambition to create a food that would touch the hearts of those around him. It was at an apprenticeship at an okonomiyaki shop that Guiseppe met Tsukishima Yumi. Their courtship was an odd one, and those who looked at them would think the couple oddly matched-loud, enthusiastic Guiseppe, who’s Japanese was, well, suspect-and Yumi, who was a quiet dreamer with ambitions to become a florist. Even so, despite the fact that they didn’t have much money-Guiseppe was too far from his family for support, and Yumi’s were leery of this foreign man who wanted their daughter’s hand-and that the odds were stacked against them, the two were married. A few years later, when Michele was born, they’d managed to save enough, through several jobs, to move to Raitou and open a café and flower shop. Michele grew up around the bustle of the café, and the smell of flowers. While his bright green eyes marked him as a half-blood, and he was teased-both for his name and his habit of often mixing Italian and Japanese-Michele grew up well loved, taught by both parents that life was precious.
While Michele was aware his father would have liked him to continue running the store, he was more interested in stories-from a young age, he would bother everyone he knew for stories, and then when he’d heard all the ones from his family, he walked himself down to the library to find some more. When his younger sister Rosalia was born, the family managed to save enough to go visit Guiseppe’s family in Italy. While there, Michele felt again out of place-while his relatives were friendly and doting, Italy, specifically Tuscany, was a completely different world than he’d known. On the return trip, he asked his mother what he should do, how he’d find his place in the world. Yumi had smiled, and told her son that if it wasn’t apparent, he could make his own place, doing what made him happy. Michele took the words to heart, and in middle school took up both boxing and archery with the intent of protecting his little sister. When it turned out Rosalia was enough of a spitfire not to need protecting, Michele decided to keep up with it. After all, if he could use his athleticism to help other people, it was a good thing, right? He decided that he’d do something to touch the hearts of everyone in the world-and to that aim, began studying very hard to get into St. Hermelin. He succeeded, almost out of sheer stubborn tenacity, and was determined to do well there, as well.
As his second year of high school began, however, it seemed like gun violence was on the rise…it was a really troublesome thing, and it worried Michele. What if something happened to someone? He’d have to help, however he could.
[Note: This sample contains googled Italian. :| I am sorry.]
Madre, ti ringraziamo. It’s finally spring…that’s good. It’s really no fun when it’s cold out. It’d be better if it were summer, though. The water’s much clearer in summer…and the sea shines so brilliantly. Se fosse estate, sicuramente il re drago si svegliava…!
Rosalia has picked up violin. She’s practicing very diligently, but I think I should probably find a part-time job a good distance from home. I’m sure she’ll get better soon, though. She’s always been good with that kind of thing.
‘Blessed Mother, we thank you’
‘If it were summer, the dragon king would surely awaken…!’]
It wasn’t that Michele had no sense of direction. He wasn’t normally the sort of person that got lost easily. It was just that…he’d been thinking of something, and his feet had gone a way he’d never been before. It was a little disconcerting. He hadn’t ever seen this dusty old shrine before, but it looked like it must have important once. Michele stepped up to the guardian statue, cracked and so covered with moss and ivy it was hard to tell what it had been.
“You must have been a magnificent beast…” He murmured, trying to brush away some of the plant life. “I bet there was village here. You must have defended them from evil, right?” But…wait. Raitou was an artificial island…Even so! Logic quailed in the face of miracles.
“I wonder all the things you’ve seen…maidens crying to you for their loves to return safely, maybe? You certainly don’t get much attention nowadays…” A rustle jolted him out of his thoughts, making Michele look over to the brush around the shrine. Ahh…a family of foxes. How wonderful. He held still, waiting until they’d moved on before straightening up all the way.
“Were those your friends? I should bother them much longer. But I’ll come back tomorrow, okay? So you won’t be so lonely.” Michele smiled, nodding some. Yes, that was best…but he should leave an offering. A quick check of his pockets revealed his housekeys, a broken arrow, a rosary, and 20 yen. After a moment’s thought, he left the rosary hanging around the statue’s neck.
Surely, God wouldn’t mind helping out a lonely spirit, right? Right. It was a comforting thought, and Michele had to smile as he started to head home.