Author's Note: Hey, guys. I know, I know, I took forever to write this. I'm sorry, but I have some personal problems, and - well, I won't bore you with details, I already had a huge rant on my personal LJ. It's just hard.
I actually wrote this in a day, but couldn't concentrate on it for awhile. I apologize, but I'll do my best. No promises, though. At this moment, I'm not even sure if I'll continue to write this. So, yeah. If I update once a month, that's a lot. Sorry. :|
P.S. U2 rocks! The first text on the cover page of this chapter, you know, the "It's no secret that a friend is someone who lets you help" part is actually from their song The Fly. I'm addicted to it, and a lot of their songs. x3
Just as Mia was closing the letter, there was a noise. Mia rapidly came to the window, turning her head left and right for a minute, watching the street like a hawk. She knew that from this moment on, her and Blair's life would never be the same. „O.K., calm down...“ Mia said, taking a deep breath. „It will be okay. Everything will be okay. Nothing to worry about,“ she continued and then smiled, letting out a small laugh. „Don't be ridiculous. It's not like someone is gonna kill you or anything. No need to live up to the „Nervous Nelly“ nickname.“
Catherine. She called her like that. Yeah. Catherine! Mia sprinted to the phone, dropping her calm mask. It wasn't 'til the moment Mia dialed the number of Catherine's cellphone that she realized her hands were shaking really bad. „Come on, pick up Catherine,“ Mia pleaded in the darkness of her room. Catherine had loads of friends, and was very open-minded, ready to accept every person no matter their reputation, personal taste or appearance, she loved everyone all the same, and loved them for who they were. Everyone knew they could lean on her when times were bad. For that reason, Catherine always slept with her cellphone right beside her, ready to talk in 3 A.M. if needed. Mia looked at the clock, breathing heavily. Well, it wasn't 3 A.M but it wasn't so far either - 11:37 P.M.
„Hello?“ Catherine answered, sleepy.
„Catherine!“ Mia exclaimed, holding the phone with a strong grip against her ear, as if Catherine wouldn't heard her if the phone was to be loosely and gently pressed against her ear.
„Mia?“ Catherine questioned, now fully awake. She could sense something was wrong. Mia's voice was highly pitched and shaky. „What happened?“
Mia took a deep breath before answering in a whisper, „I got a letter.“
There was silence for a few minutes on Catherine's part before Mia could hear Catherine's silent giggle followed by a simple question, „So?“
Mia was a bit shocked with her best friend's reaction. Here she was, almost dying from shock and Catherine laughed. Then, she realized this must have sounded completely random to Catherine, so she explained, making sure she said every detail to her, to make the situation more understandable.
„Is that a 'coincidence' too?“ Mia finished.
„Well, no, guess not,“ Catherine responded, chewing her lip. „This is beginning to be really creepy and weird.“
„Yes. I mean, what if it's...“ Mia shuddered. „You know... I mean, he is a very influential person, for all we know, he could kill off half of the damn people in this town!“
„Uh-huh,“ Catherine mumbled, in agreement.
„I just don't know what to do... Where to go...“ Mia said, noticing her shaking got better but it was still noticable.
„Well, that's at least easy to figure out. You'll stay with me,“ Catherine stated, matter-o-factly.
Mia smiled at her friend's kindness, „That's sweet of you, but I wouldn't wanna burden you. Blair is a good child, but she demands a lot of time and care.“
„I won't buy that crap,“ Catherine laughed. „It's not like we're a couple of 80 year old grandma's who take forever to walk from the living room to the bedroom.“
Mia laughed, „I know, but still.“
„You two are staying with me and that's it.“
Mia sighed, „Are you sure?“
Catherine smiled, „Positive. We can have a pajama party!“
Mia laughed, „We may not be grandma's but we're not teenage girls either!“
„You can never be too old for a slumber party!“ Catherine giggled.
Mia laughed. Catherine was always a bit immature. „Prepare yourself and your apartment for Blair. She's hyperactive today. Well, actually all the time.“
Catherine laughed, „Should I buy some bulletproof furniture?“
Mia laughed, „Yes, oh and bring some indestructible nerves too.“
Catherine giggled, „Yes ma'am!“
„Okay, I'm gonna go pack our suitcases, and wake up Blair. She's sleeping. I bet she'll be happy to know we'll be staying with aunt Catherine for awhile.“
Catherine smiled, „Well, I'll be glad too. See you soon..“
Mia nodded, „Okay. Oh, and Catherine?“
„Yes?“ Catherine responded.
„Thanks... for everything. I really appreciate it.“
Catherine smiled, „That's what friends are for, right?“
Mia smiled, „Yeah, I guess so.“
She was still smiling when she hung up on the phone. Yeah. I guess they are.
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