Ficlet: A Lesson in I.P. Address Tracking. [TezRyo; PG-13]

Jun 02, 2006 23:14

Title: A Lesson In I.P. Address Tracking.
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Tezuka/Ryoma. Others uh, implied?
Warnings: Crack. Erm. I guess you could say there are mentions of incest and beastiality.
A/N: I'm home sick, and that is my excuse. This ficlet is kind of a sequel to The Internet is the Most Fun You Can Have Without Taking Your Clothes Off. I promise I will post actual fic tonight.

From: Fuji Syuusuke []
To: Tezuka Kunimitsu []
Subject: ^___^


hAvE yOu EvEr HeArD oF RpS?

From: tEz-ChAn~!! []
To: mE ^__^ []
Subject: ...


- T.

From: Fuji Syuusuke []
To: Tezuka Kunimitsu []
Subject: /;D yOU ShOuLd GoOgLe It!!

iT StAnDs FoR "rEaL pErSoN sLaSh" AnD iS rEaLLy qUiTe InTeReSTiNg.

DiD yOu KnOw ThAt YoU aNd EcHiZeN hAvE qUiTe A BiG FoLLoWiNg On ThE iNtErNeT?

i WaS tHiNKiNg YoU cOuLd ReAd SoMe -- iT MiGhT sPiCe tHiNgS uP wITh EcHiZeN. tHeSe WrItErs HaVe SoMe KiNkY iDeAs.

From: tEz-ChAn~!! []
To: mE ^__^ []
Subject: (no subject)

Please do not email me anymore obscene "literature".

Some of these are entirely unrealistic and disturbing. I would never have sex without a condom.


From: eChIZeN-kUn~!! []
To: mE ^__^ []
Subject: hot.

thanks for the recs.

the one by "pontafetish" fucking owns. i can see why she's such a bnf.

From: fuji-senpai []
To: echizen ryoma []
Subject: ^__^ yAyE!!

nO PrObLeM~!! aLsO, i Am StArTiNg To PoSt SoMe Of My OwN fAnFiCtIoNs!

p.S. >> DiDn'T pOnTaFeTiSh'S wRiTiNg SeEm KiNd Of ... FaMiLiAr???

From: eChIZeN-kUn~!! []
To: mE ^__^ []
Subject: what do you mean.

i guess it was kind of strange that the writer guessed that i get really sensitive when tezuka kisses my collar bones. and then the way she wrote about using ponta in oral sex, when i'd done that the night before she posted with tezuka.

and also her lj entries that are so adamant about the importance about not being careless with sex.

and then the sudden journal deletion yesterday after i mentioned the reading her fics to tezuka.

wait a minute.

From: Fuji Syuusuke []
To: PontaFetish []
Subject: TeZuKa~!!!

i KnOw YoUr SeCrEt!!!

oH tEzUkA, YoU aRe So CuTe.

bUt SeRiOUsLy.

Was it not enough that you beat me in tennis? Now you have to be a better writer as well? You are lucky I'm not the type to hold grudges.

oH wAiT. ^___^

From: Fuji Syuusuke []
To: Tezuka Kunimitsu []
Subject: tEz-ChAn=pOnTaFeTiSh~?! XD

sO mUcH LiVeJoUrNaL dRaMa~!! ^__~ LoOkS LiKe tHiS WiLL mAkE fAnDoMwAnK!!

hOw ExCiTiNg.

From: buchou <3 []
To: echizen ryoma []
Subject: (no subject)


I can explain.

From: Echizen Ryoma ♥ []
To: Tezuka Kunimitsu []
Subject: ... i'm not angry. just surprised.

i listened to your voicemail.

so you started writing while i was away at tournaments as an outlet for your ... grief and raging randiness? and then you found yourself addicted to the feeling of people liking your writing? i guess me telling you that you make me hot isn't enough gratification - you have to have a million anonymous fangirls tell you. that's actually kinda fucked up.

the fact that it's making me horny is too. ;D

anyway. you know that one where i'm giving you a blow-job through the tennis net? well ... i'm coming home tomorrow ...

From: tEz-ChAn~!! []
To: mE ^__^ []
Subject: (no subject)

I can't believe you used I.P. Address tracking as evidence.

That said, I've attached the beta'd version of "Bring the Balls". Your characterization is surprisingly strong, but there were parts I felt were too obscure for the reader to relate to. Also, Ryoma is not too happy about the implied Echizencest.

From: Fuji Syuusuke []
To: Tezuka Kunimitsu []
Subject: ^__^ fRiEnD-oF 3000.

MoRe PeOpLe hAvE fRiEnDeD mE tHaN hAvE fRiEnDeD yOu. YoU ShOuLdN't Be So AfRaId AbOuT iNcOrPOrAtInG bEaStIaLiTy, I ThInK (TeZ/RyO/KaRu OT3!!).

YoU aRe My UlTiMaTe WrItInG RiVaL.

From: eChIZeN-kUn~!! []
To: mE ^__^ []
Subject: don't tell tezuka.

i've got a livejournal account. i kind of wrote something last night.

there's no way i'm gonna let you guys be better than me in something. *i* am supposed to be tezuka's ultimate rival. will you look it over?

From: fuji-senpai []
To: echizen ryoma []
Subject: XD XD XD

oH EcHiZeN~!! a LiTtLe fLuFfY, BuT yOu ArE aS AmAzInG aS uSuAL.

mAdA mAda, Ne~?!

From: buchou <3 []
To: echizen ryoma []
Subject: (no subject)


That was ... that was. I love you too.

I love you.

pot fic

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