How many movies and tv shows I'll watch in 2010 :)
Updated: 11/4/2010
01/10 > utterly devastating
02/10 > bad
03/10 > disappointing
04/10 > half-hearted
05/10 > average
06/10 > okay
07/10 > good
08/10 > awesome
09/10 > brilliant
10/10 > excellent
100 movies in 2010
01. Sherlock Holmes (09/10)
02. Fame 2009 (08/10)
03. The Green Mile (10/10)
04.De Storm (Dutch Movie) (10/10)
05. Avatar (10/10)
06. Alice in Wonderland (10/10)
07. Love Actually (10/10)
08. Did You Hear About The Morgans? (07/10)
09. Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief (08/10)
10. Up (08/10)
11. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (08/10)
500 tv episodes in 2010
01. Grey's Anatomy - Holidaze
02. NCIS - Outlaws and In-Laws
03. NCIS - Endgame
04. Chuck - Chuck vs. the Pink Slip
05. Chuck - Chuck vs. the Three Words
06. Chuck - Chuck vs. the Angel de la Muerte
07. Chuck - Chuck vs. Operation Awesome
08. Life Unexpected - Pilot
09. The Big Bang Theory - The Psychic Vortex
10. The Big Bang Theory - The Bozeman Reaction
11. Merlin - The Dragon's Call
12. Merlin - Valiant
13. Merlin - The Mark of Nimueh's Mark
14. Merlin - The Poisoned Chalice
15. Merlin - Lancelot
16. Merlin - A Remedy To Cure All Ills
17. Merlin - The Gates of Avalon
18. Merlin - The Beginning of the End
19. Merlin - Excalibur
20. Merlin - The Moment of Truth
21. Merlin - The Labyrinth of Gedref
22. Merlin - To Kill The King
23. Merlin - Le Morte D'Arthur
24. Merlin - The Curse of Cornelius Sigan
24. Merlin - The Once and Future Queen
25. Merlin - The Nightmare Begins
26. Merlin - Lancelot and Guinevere
27. Merlin - Beauty and the Beast - Part 1
28. Merlin - Beauty and the Beast - Part 2
29. Merlin - The Witchfinder
30. Merlin - The Sins of the Father
31. Merlin - The Lady of the Lake
32. Merlin - Sweet Dreams
33. Merlin - The Witch's Quickening
34. Merlin - The Fires of Idirsholas
35. Merlin - The Last Dragonlord
36. Grey's Anatomy - Blink
37. Grey's Anatomy - I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked
38. Grey's Anatomy - State of Love and Trust
39. Grey's Anatomy - Valentine's Day Massacre
40. Grey's Anatomy - The Time Warp
41. Grey's Anatomy - Perfect Little Accident
42. Grey's Anatomy - Push
43. NCIS - Power Down
44. NCIS - Child's Play
45. NCIS - Faith
46. NCIS - Ignition
47. NCIS - Flesh and Blood
48. NCIS - Jet Lag
49. NCIS - Masquerade
50. NCIS - Jack Knife
51. NCIS - Mother's Day
52. NCIS - Double Identity
53. Criminal Minds - The Uncanny Valley
54. Criminal Minds - Risky Business
55. Criminal Minds - Parasite
56. Criminal Minds - Public Enemy
57. Criminal Minds - Mosley Lane
58. Criminal Minds - Solitary Man
59. Bones - The Foot in the Foreclosure
60. Bones - The Gamer in the Grease
61. Bones - The Goop on the Girl
62. Bones - The X in the File
63. Bones - The Proof in the Pudding
64. Bones - The Dentist in the Ditch
65. Bones - The Devil in the Details
66. Chuck - Chuck vs First Class
67. Chuck - Chuck vs Nacho Sampler
68. Chuck - Chuck vs the Mask
69. Chuck - Chuck vs the Fake Name
70. Chuck - Chuck vs the Beard
71. Life Unexpected - Home Inspected
72. Life Unexpected - Rent Uncollected
73. Life Unexpected - Bong Intercepted
74. Life Unexpected - Turtle Undefeated
75. Life Unexpected - Truth Unrevealed
76. Life Unexpected - Crisis Unaverted
77. Life Unexpected - Bride Unbridled
78. The Big Bang Theory - The Large Hadron Collision
79. The Big Bang Theory - The Excelsior Acquisition
80. The Big Bang Theory - The Precious Fragmentation
81. Supernatural - Sam, Interrupted
82. Supernatural - Swap Meat
83. Supernatural - The Song Remains the Same
84. Supernatural - My Bloody Valentine
85. Life Unexpected - Formal Reformed
86. NCIS - Jurisdiction
87. The Mentalist - Throwing Fire
88. The Vampire Diaries - Family Ties
89. The Vampire Diaries - You're Undead to Me
90. The Vampire Diaries - Lost Girls
91. The Vampire Diaries - Haunted
92. The Vampire Diaries - 162 Candles
93. The Vampire Diaries - History Repeating
94. The Vampire Diaries - The Turning Point
95. The Vampire Diaries - Bloodlines
96. The Vampire Diaries - Unpleasantville
97. The Vanpire Diaries - Children of the Damned
98. The Vampire Diaries - Fool Me Once
99. The Vampire Diaries - A Few Good Men
100. The Vampire Diaries - There Goes the Neighborhood
101. The Vampire Diaries - Let the Right One In
102. Parenthood - Pilot
103. Parenthood - Man Versus Possum
104. Parenthood - The Deep End of the Pool
105. Parenthood - Wassup
106. Parenthood - The Situation
107. Parenthood - The Big 'O'
108. Supernatural - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
109. Supernatural - Dark Side of the Moon
110. Supernatural - 99 Problems
111. Life Unexpected - Family Therapized
112. Life Unexpected - Storm Weathered
113. Life Unexpected - Father Unfigured
114. Chuck - Chuck vs. the Tic Tac
115. Chuck - Chuck vs. the Final Exam
116. Chuck - Chuck vs. the American Hero
117. Chuck - Chuck vs. the Other Guy
118. Bones - The Bones on the Blue Line
119. Bones - The Parts in the Sum of the Whole
120. The Big Bang Theory - The Pants Alternative
121. Grey's Anatomy - Suicide Is Painless
121. Grey's Anatomy - Sympathy for the Parents
122. Criminal Minds - The Fights
123. NCIS - Guilty Pleasure
124. Doctor Who - The Eleventh Hour
125. Doctor Who - The Beast Below