Forget those other defaults.... replace something REALLY important! :P

Oct 26, 2008 23:02

Default Relacement Vomit, people...

As demonstrated by an alternative universe Ophelia, living in Chronic Town (yeah, that would be home of my elusive Stipe legacy):


Now that's what I call vomit, not that wussy blue stuff. What is this, a commercial for Maxi pads? I think not...

Looks like Ophelia's preggers again. Surprise, surprise!

It's just a babby factory around here, I tell ya.

And look - it's the new Holy Simoly nursery stuff. (Thanks so much, simgaroop !)

But where's the daddy? WHO is the daddy?

(As if the kid in the crib isn't a clue. *snort* Yeah, I'm predictable.)

He's heading off to work as an awesome backup dancer after another job well done.


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