I feel so disoriented right now. This may or may not have something to do with the fact that I've been awake for the better part of 24 hours. And I have a SHITLOAD of work. There's no getting out of it though, I'll just ave to suck it up
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Comments 9
Ahahahaha!! that's gold my dear :)
It's amazing how, when I have to study for Ethics, I'm al bleary-eyed and tired, but when I'm replying to comments.... I'm a freaking FOUNTAIN of energy. Seriously. I have a disease.
Have a safe trip love, in case I don't talk to you before then!
Thanks hun! :)
xxx <3
http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ctd1m1pyj4m Whisper War.
Thank you so much, I've been trying to get my hands on this CD for the past 3 months. All the music stores are like "um, maybe we could import it for you? It would cost a little extra though" Which is code for "We may triple the price. Heck, we might even quadruple it!". And as much as I love The Cab, I can't afford to spend R450 (which is about U$ 50? I don't know. Some economist I am!)
*is thrilled*
Hit me up first, if you're trying to find bandom related things. If I don't have it, i probably know who does, okay? :D ~snuggles~
Would it be bad to admit I don't know who any of those bands in your post are (except 'My Chem' who I assume are My Chemical Romance)?
And yes, My Chem is My Chemical Romance. Out of all the bandom bands, they are my favorites. Their music saved my life. For reals. *nods* Ok, I have to go to sleep before I satrt babblin on about my love for these guys.
*is ded*
Night! (Or morning, or afternoon. Who knows what time it is in the Northern Hemisphere!?)
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