So I've stooped to using my little doodles as blatant bribery. *g*
snakewhissperer doesn't get to keep this picture until she's completed the agreed amount of swimming, mwuahahaha.
But you can't expect me to just keep it sitting in a drawer here for another couple weeks, can you?
In keeping with my unfortunate tradition of only drawing RPG characters after they've been killed by plot, this is Kitt and Isaac. Our Storyteller told us to create the most badass characters we could dream up... And then proceeded to shatter our poor monsters within the course of about eleven sessions! Tsk, I say, tsk. (Kitt got her throat torn out twice and spent most of the campaign paralyzed and healing very slowly, and my ugly charmer Isaac was so mentally destroyed by the end of it that he essentially asked to be put out of his misery. Never let it be said that our ST is anything but brutally effective when he wants to be!)
It still pleases me immensely that I designed Isaac to be a real monster's monster and Kitt still insists on calling him 'sweetheart' with real affection and making sure he doesn't do anything too stupid. *g*