Unfortunately, I didn't get to see much of Senegal, and what I did see wasn't particularly awesome - spent most of the week there in meetings, very little sight-seeing, and for various logistical and scheduling reasons couldn't really organise any time post-conference to explore. Terrific clothes and music, though - but awful at running hotels!
I've never done any international work travel so I always forget that it is very different to fun travel. D has been on a few international trips and I don't ask him about the places anymore because he just says 'well, the view out the hotel window was ok' or 'the city looked quite interesting from the taxi ride to and from the airport'.
Comments 4
I guess my list doesn't involve so many hotels, but i definitely like to travel around and visit friends and stay over frequently.
I'll post my version of this meme on my LJ.
Happy New Year
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