Reading was slow in May. I had a whole lot of comics to catch up on, as well as magazines (my Dad gave me gift subscriptions to Time, Consumer Reports and Rolling Stone)
Series I am currently reading: Buffy season 9 Angel & Faith/season 7 Lenore, new series Anne Rice's Servant Of The Bones Supernatural Wolverine And The X-Men Uncanny X-Men X-Men X-Men Legacy Generation Hope The Avengers The New Avengers Avengers Assemble Avengers X-Sanction Avengers VS X-Men AvX (mini series) Deadpool Black Widow Strikes ( 4 part mini series) Road Rage by Stephen King & Joe Hill (4 part mini series)
Graphic novels: Some of these are re-reads, but since it has been a while, I am still counting them. I'll mark those with *