(no subject)

May 24, 2005 13:08

A blank page

Blank line on an empty letter, empty letter on an unwritten period.

How does something come from nothing? some decided to believe in a hiher power that is concious and is all present and all powerfull. People belonging to the monotheistic - maybe others ask the science how do you explain this or that, or for the most part the creation of everything. Of course no one can explain it, so it is the question of infinite and zero - nothingness.

What if science discovered something with zero mass but with a definite shape, what would happen then? Discovery does not equal explanation though, So what would one do, again this depends on the upbringing, some will take it as presence of God in our lives, while others will study it to show there is an explanation that follows a not yet discovered natural law - as does everything.

This is kind of a rant i guess but i believe that there is an explanation for everything, but everything is infinite, and that follows that explanations are infinite, so how does one stop? there is no line between faith and facts, it will keep moving in whichever way it pleases. Compare it with 1000 years ago, lightening was believed to be the wrath of God, now it's a perfectly natural and easily explained phenomenon, so the line of faith moves along with science, it will never stop moving, so debates are kind of useless. Believing in God is easier for some people but they take too much in that the people who don't follow are not as good as them. One does not have to be religious to be a moral person - despite some people's beliefs.

Morals are the basis of religions, from the morals religions sprang up - not the other way around. This is my reason for not being of any one religion, i will give my reason for not being atheist in the next post. Like i said in one of my previous posts on the other username if one sells hisher soul to the devil, and then spend all the benefits to help the poor people in the world - that situation just makes the religion absolute, if it cant stand for all cases it shouldnt presented as being absolute set of rules.

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