So, uh, meme thing by way of feral_phoenix.

Sep 09, 2009 00:17

Why not? I mean, it's either this or more Guild Wars, and I've pretty much been on that since I got home from work (with an occasional foray into watching Scrubs).

01. Comment to this entry saying 'ICONS!' and I will pick 6 of your icons.
02. Make an entry in your own journal and talk about the icons I picked!

It's Soji hugging a Jack Frost! HOW COULD YOU NOT LOVE IT? I mean come on, it even melts my stubborn male refusing-to-say-things-are-cute heart!

Aha oooh Kanon. I got this one back when I was on my Kanon kick. Plus, I really didn't have a "T_T" icon at the time, so it did a nice job filling the role. And Mokoto is adorable, come on, even I admit it.

SIMON SMASH! Gotta love some Gurren Lagann, even breaking the limits of emotion through icon making. I like this one because dammit, I like Simon better than Kamina and I think he looks (pardon the usage of this word) epic.

Dammit if I had a Persona, it'd be Kanti. Seriously, Kanti is made of win. Plus, aside from Outlaw Star, FLCL is one of the highest animes on my list.

WEWY! Or TWEWY or however fandom is abbreviating it again. Anyway, this was my default icon for the longest time, and I just don't have the heart to toss it out. It's a really nice-looking icon, come on.

Aha I'm glad Feral picked this one, it is bar none my absolute most favorite icon on this journal. The recoloring was well done and dammit, Garet and Mia look good together. I don't ship them, but they still look good together. Plus, Golden Sun is an amazing game and if you haven't played it yet I will shove a copy in your hand and make you sit down with a DS (I'm looking at you, forgo!).

meme, wednesday

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