Rating: PG-13 (the title is a TEASE)
Genre: Crack
Summary: Even badass mafia families bent on world domination celebrate the holidays.
Millefiore version of
A Very Varia Xanxusmas. With new revelation about Fran, think I'll pass on A Very Varia Xanxusmas: TYL and write Kokuyo holiday or Arcobaleno new year's fic instead. Mammon/Skull~ <3
XXXmas came early this year. (that didn't sound dirty at all 8D) )
Comments 12
"Shou-chan the red-haired White Spell~
Had a very fiery bush~
And if you ever saw it~
Byakuran will fry your tush~♪"
<33 I think I'll go singing that on Christmas instead.. XD
Hey, do you mind if I link this story in my 10051-club in myanimelist? :'o
Sure, go ahead~
Randomly, I stumbled onto your animelist while googling for 10051 fics. It's too bad I didn't see that Christmas thing you have going until after I posted, or I might have signed this fic up for mistletoe prompt.
Aw.. But nobody's stopping you from making another? *shiny-Gokudera-eyes*
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