My brother-in-law will be participating in the City of Tualatin OR annual pumpkin regatta on Saturday. What is a pumpkin regatta you ask? You take a giant pumpkin, hollow it out, climb in and proceed to attempt to row yourself across a lake. In October. When the water is cold. And my brother-in-law is 6 foot 4. This has all the makings of a
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Comments 18
Shell's and how to attach them, well you could try....(can't write that in public)...or there is...(No wait that one too)...or how about...(Nope that is right out in a public forum)..Ok I got nothing here.
Just the opposite in my office, I need to open the window it is so damm hot.
Back here in the northeast we know that pumpkins are good for only four things: Soup, pie, jack o'lanterns, and- of course- chunkin.
If that fails I know a Canadian engineer AND ballistics aficionado who might be willing to be involved...of course we would have to double the design to account for the conversion rate.
Of course, posting a statement like that in this forum I know that YOU know you have NO right to expect even a mildly serious suggestion: you just like the attention. And if that's NOT the case, you deserve what ever malfunctions come your way Saturday. I'll try and remember to have an apron (or some other easily transferable means of cover) ready should you deem it necessary.
I am actually doing my best not to have any wardrobe malfunctions, which is making the whole thing more difficult, but I think I've got it all figured out...
pasty latex?
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