I loved this episode so much, because I got the feeling that finally finally finally Stephen will be over Kristin and on his way to Michigan to sweep me off of my feet. :oP
Anyways, when he asked her for his sweatshirt and then told her to throw the takeout boxes away, it was AWESOME. I don't know what was going to K's mind, but I am sure she was absolutely floored. Still, like next week shows...he's running back to my beautiful LC.
Speaking of, she went out with Casey? Casey is such a fake whore.
My like of Alex has grown substantially. She's actually pretty badass, and I think if they would have presented her from that point of view instead of the whole Jason thing, her approval ratings would have been sky high.
The only other thing that comes to mind is the fantastic surf and turf feast that Talan made. It looked soooo tasty. Yum.
Alrighty, til next week...