Apr 27, 2009 20:21

Whoever did that to my cousin , will be slapped ! I'm sure all of you know the story so no use of writing all this shit down . But, I did call Kaitlyn and she says hi to everyone . I was really upset when I saw what happned to Kaitlyn's livejournal. I mean, how can someone go that low ? So yeah , I just wanted to say , if you are the one who fucked ( Read more... )

kaitlyn, human tetris

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Comments 4

skydagger April 28 2009, 03:31:13 UTC
That's on TV here now! Came across it at random one night and was like WTF!


stratusfan April 29 2009, 01:28:51 UTC
lol . Funny though right ? (=


dx_chick1992 April 28 2009, 20:51:16 UTC
that was really immature what they did. but I guess you can't really do anything :/ bitches.

lmao that vid is epic win!!


stratusfan April 29 2009, 01:30:55 UTC
Yeah , true that...But, it still makes me mad because it just makes me mad that someone would do that !

I know right ! It's just hilarous. (=


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