Well. My July 4th was quite extravagant. For lack of a better
A bunch of us met at a friend's house to park down his street. Parking was a bitch. Vienna residents really get into these community center fireworks. So we walk a few blocks over and watch the works. They were pretty sweet. Most of them went off while we were walking there. Fireworks are pretty. Pretty cool. One gigantic one exploded a little too low for my preference and I thought death was upon the community. But we were safe. The Grand Finale was pretty cool. Except every set I thought was the Grand Finale. It disappointed me at the end since there was one leftover firework I guess. So they ended the night with one scrawny one. But I guess it would have been a waste.
So afterwards we go back to the friend's house and bring out the personal fireowrks. All of which are "illegal" in VA. We shoot some in the cul-de-saq. I don't even know how to spell that. Anyways. I think I was a little too close, because there was all this ash on my legs afterwards. We scared the friend's mother too much so we moved to a different location. Onto a basketball court. It was better that we had more space to work with, of course the idiot friends would fire bottle rockets and roman candles at trees when there were only like 5 trees in the entire radius. Some fireworks were sweet. Some not so much. But it was fun. Some kids are stupid and don't aim fireworks in the right direction and have embers backfire at the only 3 girls there. Fucking idiot. A couple kids got burned, but I gave them some water to ease the pain. There was some bad scene going on in the background, but I did not take part. No thank you. Still fine time. After the most of the fireworks were set off, the kids left. Of course I stayed to socialize and figure out what next was going. Then what do you know. Right as we walk towards the car, one cop comes down the street and coincidentally another coming from the other direction. They step out of their vehicles and with their flashlights round us up like cattle. The big guy gave us the fireworks speech. Did you know anything that explodes or flies in the air is illegal in Virginia? I certainly did not until that night. They asked if anyone was drinking. We said no. That was a lie. They asked if anyone was smoking. We said no. Another one. Then the police officers scooted us along since curfew was approaching. It was swell. Scary as shit. But swell. A July 4th to remember, yes.
Yesterday we had field hockey workouts again. I threw up thrice. And I reminisced my two Eggos. For some reason I was so weak that morning. And so tired that night. I am in love with Mango drinks. Especially the ones from Baskin Robbins. Coldstone's tropical smoothie was a bit of a let-down. Pineapple juice does not mean apple + orange juice. And it never will. But continuing. Playing for Capital wasn't good either. Just an off day I guess. I got back on the ball during this morning's workout. Not great. But good. My body hates me. But I guess I'm okay with that. I have this friend. Yesterday we bonded during hockey, and during eating times. Three eating times to be exact. She is just grand. I have high hopes for my young comrade. Over and out.