So being the good friends that you all are out there your going to donate to my new AMBER NEEDS A NEW CAR FUND! Right? Haha. Yea all your extra change...quarters...ones...maybe a fifty....I will definatly take it
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Yeah, ok, here are MY plans for tomorrow night...I'm VERY pissed at my parents for not letting me go to the AAR/Hellogoodbye concert. "the city concerns my mother" and she is "Not impressed with Michael's driving" Ok, so did she miss the fact that u FLIPPED UR CAR??? (lol...not being mean...just pointing that out...) and she doesn't want me to get in trouble in the city??? So here's the plan. Movies. Then getting drunk at The Night Spot (I've totally done it before...) then buying a male stripper (Haven't done that before, but I already have a volunteer....hahahaha fucking hilarious!) and then, since it's prom night, and u just hafta do it, we both must find a virgin to de-virginize (again, already have a volunteer...even MORE fucking hilarious!) and then I come home around 2, trashed and potentially pregnant. U with me?
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