Happy New Year!

Jan 01, 2012 02:44

Just posting this to say Happy New Year to all of my f-list. Wishing you all the best in 2012 and thanks for sticking by me through 2011. :)

I'm giving you all squishy, Gajeel e-hugs. (See icon). :p


This entry was originally posted at http://mooki.dreamwidth.org/25190.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

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Comments 6

aentee January 1 2012, 00:31:03 UTC
Happy new year bb ♥


strawberries_85 January 1 2012, 08:36:15 UTC
Thank you, bb. I hope you had a good start to the year. :)


ce_lestic January 1 2012, 08:24:13 UTC
Happy New Year!!



strawberries_85 January 1 2012, 08:36:46 UTC
Happy New Year to you as well!



shinigami_lucia January 1 2012, 19:42:50 UTC
Happy New Year to you too! *hugs*


strawberries_85 January 2 2012, 11:19:38 UTC
Thank you. All the best in 2012. :) *Hugs*


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