I updated the hotel post recently, so you'll want to check it. Additionally, I'll be making all hotel posts public posts so everyone the posts pertain to can see them.
Room Rules
(in no particular order of importance, as they’re all equally important)
1. First and foremost, be considerate of everyone else in the room. Respect each others’ property, don’t be rude, etc.--basically, don’t do anything that your parents wouldn’t approve of.
2. No rough-housing, which may or may not lead to damaging not only your own things, but the hotels’ stuff too. We all know we don’t want to pay extra for the hotel room, as it’s already quite expensive.
3. Doubtful it’s going to happen, but don’t bring a boy (or girl, whichever way you swing) into the room to do "stuff." You know very well what I mean.
4. Unless you already know a non-roommate and know that you can trust them, don't bring in any other people to the room. I know it seems a bit harsh, so I'll lend some breathing room with this rule. Basically, use common sense if you're going to invite people into the room. If they're suspicious in anyway, DO NOT allow them into the room under any circumstances.
5. Don’t eat the food that the hotel has pre-supplied the room with. I’ll be bringing snacks and water. If anyone else would like to contribute to our snack supply, please feel free to do so. (Contact me if you'll be doing that so I don't buy the same thing as you. =D) On that note, don’t eat everything in your path.
6. Set a reasonable timeframe for going to bed and waking up. If, for some reason, you need/want to go to bed after other people have, please don’t be disruptive. (EVERYONE MUST SLEEP AT LEAST A FEW HOURS EACH NIGHT THOUGH!!! Resting up and renewing your energy for the next day is important.) On waking up, if you need to set an alarm, turn it off when it rings. Don’t hit the snooze button repeatedly.
7. Once we choose beds and "bed mates" (that sounds weird...), no switching sleeping spots. Where you sleep on Thursday night is where you will be sleeping for the rest of the weekend. This shouldn't be a problem as you'll be sleeping, and when you're asleep, no one's going to do anything but... sleep.
8. Doubtful this is going to happen as well, but no alcohol in the room. I think most of us are underage anyway...
9. Keep the room clean. Please pick up after yourselves and keep your things from mixing up with others’, and keep the bathroom clean (hang up the towels, flush the toilet, don’t get water all over the floor, don’t leave your hair in the drain, etc). The housing staff won’t be coming in to clean up for us until after we leave.
10. Keep yourselves clean! I don’t know if cleanliness really is next to godliness, but cleanliness is quite nice. Showers are a must. Please limit your showers to under 30 minutes.
11. (This is a silly rule, but things do happen.) If your stomach isn’t agreeing with you, please conduct whatever business you may have in the toilet. A can of air freshener will be on hand to mask any unpleasant odors.
12. Please don’t use the hotel phones. They charge a ludicrous amount for calls. If you need to borrow anyone’s cell phone, I know I’d be more than willing to lend it to you (provided you don’t talk for a ridiculously long time).
The rules will be updated every so often with suggestions, etc. I'll make a "final" post a week before Otakon, containing all the necessary information and such.
*groans* IT'S HHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTT. *melts into a puddle of goo*