more party photos

Jun 09, 2006 10:22

As promised- pictures of Strawberry Shortcake's Memorial Day House Party. Warning: 25 big pictures.

Apple Dumplin' gets the mail.

Parfait, Lime Chiffon, Marzapanda, and Crepe Suzette enjoy the porch swing.

Peach Blush, Melonie Belle, Blueberry Muffin, and Cheesecake bake cookies in the kitchen.

Maple Stirrup gives Orange Blossom a ride.

Butter Cookie and Raspberry Tart take a nap.

Mint Tulip, Cafe Ole, and Burrito enjoy the pleasant day.

Plum Puddin' drives the Oatsmobile.

Angel Cake, Crepe Suzette, and Eclair play dress-up in the attic.

Cherry Cuddler and Gooseberry take a relaxing evening bath.

Apricot and Hopsalot say hello.

That rascal Huckleberry Pie let Figboot in the house.

Orange Blossom looks in on Mint Tulip's sunny afternoon nap.

Strawberry Shortcake is always telling Sugarwoofer and Pupcake to stay off the couch, but they keep forgetting.

Blueberry Muffin gives the porch swing a try.

Almond Tea goes for a ride on Maple Stirrup.

Lem and Sugarwoofer watch Apple Dumplin' and Figboot play in the garden.

Cherry Cuddler and Huckleberry Pie love the shady gazebo.

Elderberry sings for Plum Puddin', Souffle, and Crepe Suzette.

Peach Blush and Cafe Ole join the music party.

Marmalade is the only one who can visit the chimney.

Rhubarb, Marshmallard, Hopsalot, Custard, Mint Tulip, Cafe Ole, Teatime, Huckleberry Pie, Burrito, and Pupcake gather in the living room.

Strawberry Shortcake grills strawberries for her friends.

Butter Cookie and Jellybear play in the bathtub.

Strawberry Shortcake and the Purple Pieman put aside their differences and soak up some sun with Sour Grapes and Berry Bird.

Raspberry Tart wishes their happy vacation would never end.

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