
Oct 10, 2008 22:49

I am sitting on my matress on the floor in my little flat in Lavender. It is my last night here, already alien and unfamilar with my furniture unassembled and stacked in weird strcutures in my living room. I am a little melancholy at leaving, slightly distraughteven. It has been a nice cosy nook, just the size for one girl and two cats and the ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

happycrystal October 11 2008, 04:42:22 UTC
hi Yin, it's Jin. how are you?


strawberry_cow October 11 2008, 09:07:10 UTC
I'm great! How have you been? Let's have dinner! My hols are just around the corner.


happycrystal October 13 2008, 15:08:21 UTC
I'm alright, yes let's catch up. when are your hols? My mobile phone number is still the same so you can find me easily


strawberry_cow October 14 2008, 00:39:52 UTC
They sorta start on the 27th so i'll be freeer than. I haven't got your no. I'm afraid cause I changed my phone.


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