Light & Soul; The Twilight Series; Various; PG

May 26, 2008 17:53

Please, light my soul.

Light; Total: 2

Title: Sparkling Endings.
Team: Werewolf
Challenge: Light
Words Count: 100
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Edward and Bella. Slight Edward/Bella.
Warnings: None.
Author's Notes: Um...None.

Sparkling Endings -

She listened to his voice as he sat on the bed. She wasn’t sure what he was saying, everything blurred together. He was talking about moonless nights and how different his life would be without her there to light up his sky, or something like that.

"But Edward, you sparkle in the light." He just nodded at her.

"I do, you make me sparkle." She smiled at his words but inside she wasn’t quite sure if that everlasting and perpetual light was something she could handle. He was dark, darker than most, but she was pretty sure that eclipses ended.

Title: Painful Beginnings.
Team: Werewolf
Challenge: Light
Words Count: 100
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sam and Jacob.
Warnings: None.
Author's Notes: I love Sam and his struggle. You can view this relationship as platonic or not it doesn’t really matter.

Painful Beginnings -

Leaves sparkled and played with the light on their dew drops as Jacob and Sam walked through the field. Sam’s hand played out on Jacob’s and they were serene. Leah wouldn’t have approved of such happiness and stillness; she needed everything to be nerve racking and tiresome. Sam couldn’t wait for her cousin to come over so she could distract Leah.

"Sam?" Jacob’s voice rang straight through the field and into Sam’s body.

"Yeah, Jacob?"

"Do you love Leah?" Sam halted and looked back at the younger boy; the light hit him. Sam hit the ground, grabbing his stomach.


Soul; Total: 7

Title: It’s A Puzzle.
Team: Werewolf
Challenge: Soul
Words Count: 100
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Jasper.
Warnings: None.

It’s A Puzzle -

Everything seems different now, now that everything is different. My body is different, my mind thinks in different ways and I feel nothing. (Different enough to make that difference.)

The word repeats in my head, over and over. I’m missing something; that final piece of the big human puzzle. I look over at the body on the floor and realize that no matter whom I kill, how many of them I kill, they will always have what I need to finish the puzzle. It is like the final corner piece that you lose and it drives you insane.

My soul.

Title: Spinning.
Team: Werewolf
Challenge: Soul
Words Count: 100
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Bella. Slight Bella/Edward.
Warnings: None.
Author's Notes: He life spun out of control with his words.

Spinning -

Everything spins now that she isn’t human. She can smell better and can see better, everything is enhanced and better. She can spend eternity with Edward and, honestly, she still cannot believe she almost picked Jacob over...this.

She’s seen him once since she changed, just once. He refused to see her after he’s spoken his peace. His peace, however, stuck with her; had shaken her to the core.

"You might have everything, but what happens when you realize that the thing you clung to so desperately is gone and can never return? Your lack of soul, you aren’t human, never."

Title: Soul Within A Body.
Team: Werewolf
Challenge: Soul
Words Count: 100
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Edward. Slight Edward/Jasper.
Warnings: Slight inclines of slash.
Author's Notes: None.

Soul Within A Body -

I would like to follow Wayne Dyer’s lead and realize that I am a soul with a body, but I can’t believe that anymore. Am I really a soul, I highly doubt that. My soul has been eaten by the resurrection flame and I shall never see it again, despite Carlisle’s words about the entire subject.

I’ve spent years discussing the subject of the soul with my siblings, though closer with Jasper because he has the same feelings, he is the only one.

Looking at Jasper as we spent another day talking; kisses and maybe I do have a soul.

Title: Can’t Help But Think.
Team: Werewolf
Challenge: Soul
Words Count: 100
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Edward, Jasper. Edward/Jasper.
Warnings: Slash.
Author's Notes: Soul mates are something you don’t need a soul for.

Can’t Help But Think -

"I love you." His voice rang over all the noise I could hear from everything; it was filling my head and it was starting to eat away everything I had work to keep safe. I turned and looked at him and I grabbed his hand, kissing it, like a true romantic. His words not mine.

"Jasper do you know what?" He smiled as he asked.

"No, Edward, what?" I answered.

"Soul, or no soul, I’m pretty sure we’re soul mates." I nodded, but couldn’t help but think about how cheesy it would sound from any other mouth.

"I think so."

Title: Everything Here Is Like That.
Team: Werewolf
Challenge: Soul
Words Count: 100
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Carlisle.
Warnings: None.
Author's Notes: None.

Everything Here Is Like That -

Everything is cold here. Everything is cold and damp and…dead, here. The only problem I can see is the fact that I cannot escape from this place. I am bound here like I was when I was first turned and like I will always be. Love is like that, though. You are bound for so long that when something new comes along you feel like you are missing something great and too important to miss. But there you are, missing it, in all of its glory and pain and sacrifice.

"Carlisle, what are you doing?"

"Nothing." My soul is trapped.

Title: Souls That Hug.
Team: Werewolf
Challenge: Soul
Words Count: 100
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Jasper. Slight Jasper/Edward.
Warnings: Tiny bit of slash, if you take it that way.
Author's Notes: None.

Souls That Hug -

I feel the eyes upon me. He thinks I can’t feel the look and hear the emotions; that I can’t bathe in what he is giving off. He’s the most emotional creature that I have met in a long time. He’s easy to read, despite what Alice said and what I feel from everyone else. Out of the small group, he’s the easiest to read; to know.

Our eyes meet, for the thousandths time since we met, and I feel his soul gather me up in its arms. It’s warm and it hugs tightly and forgives easy. I love him.

Title: The Day.
Team: Werewolf
Challenge: Soul
Words Count: 100
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Jacob.
Warnings: None.
Author's Notes: I just realized, as I named it, that it just reminds me of Alas, Babylon.

The Day -

The air is stagnant and it suffocates me - I feel like I’m going to die because of it. I look out over the lake and I feel slightly…well I feel like part of my soul has started to die. Today was the day. I let the invitation slip from my hand, it hit the water. I wondered if it would take a long time to soak and for the ink spread. It didn’t.

I sighed and let the air choke me. It burned a line straight down my throat. I felt it burn my soul, at least I have one.

paring - edward/bella, writing, fanfiction, drabble(s), fandom - twilight, character(s) - various, paring - jasper/edward, paring - sam/jacob

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