Jul 02, 2010 00:19

 Time is running out. Ever since school reopened, I feel that I have significantly less time to do other stuff.
+ I'm tired most of the time :/

Fanreport time, might as well since nao I'm on LJ anyways.

Airport. Waited for them. Lol then because from the barricade is far to run to the maxi, so we were at the glass windows there, at the baggage collection. When U-KISS finally came out, whoa everybody run here. xD LOL. 
Then because they had to walk to where the barricade is to get out, all the fans ran back again, while we went to the maxi for standby.

On the road, the closed the curtains :/ occasionally can see a face or hand through the curtain. Reached the hotel, rushed out. Not a lot of people that day, since a lot of people were already at IMM queueing.

Since there was still a long time until the fanmeet, we went to Orchard to shop/do random stuff. Bad decision, since Uncle's tyre punctured and he had to replace it. We were late, and missed the lucky draw. :/

During the fanmeet, so much fanservice :D Lol. I went first among the group :/ So nervous lol I had nothing to say to them other than Hello and Thank You. I shook hands with all of them haha, they're all so gorgeous. Soohyun said bye to me :3

OH OH AND SOOHYUN ASKED IF MEILI WAS ANGRY LOL. Meili said she wasn't and he was like 'smile!' lol. Meili thought it was rude but IMO it was cute of him.

After all of us shook hands we had a quick toilet break and then went back to the maxi. When we were going out of the carpark, the boys came out from the exit, and they saw us lol directly. xD EYE CONTACT PEOPLE!! /DIES. We waved and they waved woo hoo.
Lol I always felt very extra because I sit infront with Uncle Edward xD Which proved to be good at some points.

They went to back to the hotel after that I think. On the road, curtains closed again D: Then they left for mediacorp, and we chased. We were almost late haha, we RAN to the studio, cos they were closing it at 9pm and it was like a few minutes before 9.

Sheng siong show was okay, very noisy, full of cheers. Sheng Siong has 2 hosts right, one girl one guy. The guy didn't really mind the cheers and was quite enthusiastic about it. But the girl! Whoa, black face. I think she was very annoyed. Everytime the producer said 'U-KISS' the whole place will be filled with screams.

They performed, and talked. Super noisy, cannot hear them at all :/ After they left the stage we ran out, but we still missed them :( After we 'let off' the maxi, we stayed in the hotel for a bit. Kellyhong + somebody else, I forgot who, went up to the pool for fun. Apparently U-KISS was playing/swimming in the pool, because there was security and Kelly said she heard Kevin's voice. Mind you, it was around midnight that time. O_O

Day 2
I missed the first part, since I had band :/ It was supposed to end at 12pm but it ended at like, 2 pm D: During the time I wasn't there, they went to St James for rehearsal and then back I think. I joined at a bad time, slack at hotel again ;A;

We went to St James earlier to queue. Haha saw Munyee x) Everybody except me was wearing their heels. I didn't because... lol it didn't match my clothes at all! So everybody was around 8 cm taller? /dies. We went in and got a spot in the middle, quite good. Yay for VVIP :) Lol Shahidah was actually beside me, but then at the end she was behind haha.

The fans behind me, damn annoying! Keep screaming D: + talk very loud. + She kept jumping so I felt it when she jump omg disgusting T__T It was okay, took fancams xD Loved their performance. And the games. xD Dongho's face!! Is like blank most of the time ahah so cute. Kiseop's gorgeous, and the rest of them were perfect!

What annoyed me was the lighting. It was very RED. + It's in a club so there's the flashing lights + heavy bass. I felt like vomiting actually T__T

Watch in HD or all you'll hear is the screams.

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RAN out when they left the stage. Surprisingly I was first to reach the maxi. Unfortunately, it was only because I was wearing my sneakers while the rest were wearing heels T__T yes I want to be fast /dies

On the road, omg it was crazy. There were fans opening their windows and SCREAMING. OMG It was damn dangerous!! Yet they still do it. We could hear their screams in the maxi. Soohyun was hyper, sitting at the back. He often turn back and waved at fans, but he didn't show much interest in out maxi. Most probably the person sitting infront [me rofl] was not very enthusiastic. D: I had no board so how I be enthu?? :/ + haha I would look very stupid waving.

The others were fine. Didn't see Dongho and Kevin, always. xD Kibum waved to me :D I was so freaking happy back there. They went to this BTH centre? It had a gate so many of the cars stopped outside. Lol there was this fanboy who ran out of the car with STOOLS [!!!] and stood on them looking over the wall. Walao, it was a damn interesting sight!! Apparently he likes Eli.

They left then went to SPH. We predicted they would take a long time, so Kellybean, Huisi, my sister and I walked to McDonalds haha. Lol it was filled with people watching the world cup xD Went back and ate fries in the maxi. I stuffed my burger in my bag ):
I at this point sat at the back, because there was something bad going on ahem ahem.

On the road. Curtains were not drawn! It was fun haha. Kiseop waved to our maxi. There was no Kiseop fan [lol I is new one so not counted] so my sister waved back to him awkwardly. Using the Ipod touch app, we wrote 'U-KISS Kiss me] in hangeul, and then Soohyun was mouthing out the words HAHA! Eli 'kissed' 'us' through the window. Kellybean was damn ecstatic. Kevin opened his side for awhile and lucky for us, he saw us. As usual, he did his heart sign.

Hotel again. Chaotic, my sister got caught on fancam haha epic. So unglam. Her board got stomped on also :(
Let off uncle. Then we sat there for very long doing god knows what. I ate my burger then, cos I was STARVING /dies.

Day 3
Because we had no idea when is their flight, we decided not to risk it and when to the hotel at freaking 6 am. We actually reached home at 2 am the night before some more T__T I didn't bother to choose my clothes. Walao regret.

ITE Kellybean, Huisi, my sister and I stayed, while Kellyhong went back at 8am, and Meili left for work. We stayed there [!!] omg I didn't know how I survived!! Uncle came then we slacked in the maxi for don't know how many hours. Lol I slept/watched tv. Since we did nothing we decided to go find, went to find Xander's aunt's home, as uncle knew where it was as he chased U-KISS 2 years ago when they were here as well. OMG IT WAS SO FREAKING BIG!! There was one estate that had a freaking GURKHA outside it!!

Lol went back to hotel, then went to ION. A maxi cab fetched them, so uncle radioed and asked the driver of the maxi cab. Ran to the food court. Wah then we saw Xander and Kevin and their manager there. Then we like 'cool-y' walked away. Jia Yee almost had an asthma attack while I was starting to hyperventilate. /dies. They ate ice kachang. When they left we also followed them. Haha I was walking with Jia Yee, and we were like, sick. My hands were VERY COLD!! The crowd following them grew eventually haha. Before that they were looking at food then Kellyhong bought for them bean pancakes or something because they stared at it for quite a long time. Jia Yee bought froyo for them, which was in Kevin's twitpic haha.

There was quite a crowd, so there was a security guard protecting them also. They went up their maxi and because our uncle Edward is THAT AWESOME, he was behind their maxi.

They went to the hotel again, and they were eating [!!] in the maxi. A LOT. Received info that they were going to eat jumbo seafood, so we started making reservations. Followed them to the restaurant, and we ate. Chaotic, the place was. Poor waiters xD

After that went back to the maxi and slacked. They came out after very long and went to the airport. The ride was damn slow and sleepy haha. We slept for awhile. I accidentally woke Meili up when I said I could see somebody's face omg haaha.

Airport. Chaotic, because BEAST was arriving on the same day. Human barriers were formed, the security praised Kellyhong haha!! I actually fell. :( But there was some caring fans who actually asked me if I was alright. Surprised because all the airport departures I went to, nobody really cared about those who fell, and left them [for dead] A lot of auntie fans also.

We kaypoed and chased BEAST also. They took a freaking hour to come out /pissed. There was more screams in the maxi. It wasn't Edward so... :/ Dongwoon's smile is cute. I don't know their names because I didn't see Kikwang and Yoseob, the only 2 I know. I only know Dongwoon because Meili told me his name. She said he waved at me but I don't remember? LOL.

Cred me if taking the pictures.

The next day was rehearsal at Lasalle. I ended up getting a cough, which starting during BEAST. :/ It was quite bad, and I had a headache as well. Because all the noise in the pit would be amplified by four times, and I coughed a lot, so I think the drama was pissed off :/ because I coughed a lot during their lines, but I couldn't help it.

Went home and took a nap as I was feeling so horrible. It turned out that I had a fever of 38.8 OTL
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