Oblivion Poetry#005 Girl on the Verge of Existence and Oblivion

Jul 23, 2010 17:03

Paranoidmode : I know I mentioned this before and I'll keep on hassling you with this before you can enjoy these works, if you ever find yourselves in this page.

Eighth Act : Girl on the Verge of Existence and Oblivion

“If there anything human condemned to the kindness of Forgotten one

Then it would be Love, tragic girl condemned to Love”

The lovely girl representing

Love, Father had named her so

The lovely name representing

Equal promise of Father Truth

To Love, equally

Father had created her so

To smile, always

For she cannot do other but Love

That girl loves everything equally

That girl smiles to everyone she loves

That lovely smile she shared

Was cherished by those who gazed upon her

None of the world resident

Doesn’t cherish her

For everyone need her

For everyone love her

“Father…great Father

I thank you for creating me

I thank you for naming me Love

I thank you for this world

I am born in

The world I love

The world I care

The world so beautiful”


As human started to know hatred

As human started to battle among themselves

Love was started to be forgotten

Love was started to be hated

That girl condemned nothing but to Love

That gift Father created her so

Started to become her curse

She cannot hate

“For I love the world Father crated”

Tragic girl condemned to love

Knew rejection for the first time

The very human she loved

Betrayed her for hatred

Tragic girl condemned to love

Watched as the beloved world

That once so lush and green

Turned into stage of carnage

“Father o’ father

I thank you for naming me Love

I thank you for this gift

For I am able to forgive

For I am able to love

Even the worst of mortals

I love them still

Whatever they might be”

Green forests burned

Azure seas then blood red

The brown earth stained

Many lives were claimed by Death

What human used to love

Destroyed in instant

What human used to cherish

Condemned into Forgotten Land

Human hate among themselves

Drew blades and spears

To stab through their opponent

Out of hatred

Human started to take other’s possessions

Be it gold or freedom

To satisfy their lust

Out of Jealousy

Hatred she doesn’t know

Lust she doesn’t possess

Jealousy she never wonder

Only Love she possesses

Be it the lovely world

Or the crimson land

She loves everything


“That would include what Father despise”

Innocently the girl

Visited the grey land of nothingness

Unknown to what fate had decided

Against Father’s will

Forgotten One went to see her

Euphoric façade worn

Grinning inside for mischief

He had planned for the girl

Nay, what human had done to Love

Unknown to the truth

Love came to the land of forgotten ones

Innocently visiting the land

Under the will of hateful human

Oblivion laughed at the sight of her

What was once the lovely girl

Was on the verge of destruction

Nay , to be erased from existence

Her figure shifted

To and fro

To be exist

And not to

“Oblivious to cruel Truth

You came under the pitiful human will

Those who wished your demise

As well as your existence

Hateful human despise you

Lonely human wishes you

You are both rejected and required

And you love them still?”

The lovely girl condemned to Love

Smiled her sincerest, the loveliest

Despite the gift turned to curse

She smiled still…

For she is Love

Oblivion welcomed her heartily

Created by the Father

Condemned by the mortals

She is to spend eternity in Oblivion

Until the swords of Time stop

She shall wander

Between existence and demise

Endure everlasting pain

Even under eternal torture

Given by hateful mortals

She smiled still…

For she is Love

The girl condemned between existence and oblivion

poetry, oblivion

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