I got bored. Made a meme XD

Jul 18, 2009 16:21

... Does it count as a feminine streak if you suddenly get the urge to jot down a bunch of 'dream wedding' plans, but the plans involve you wearing a tux, not a dress? =P

Dream Wedding Meme!

If you have someone in mind, who is your bride/groom?
Not applicable at this time.

Who is your best man/best woman/maid of honour/man of honour?

Who are your bridesmaids/bridesmen/groomsmen/groomswomen?
AJ, Brianna and Bunnie.

Time of day?
Noon-ish/early afternoon. Leaves time for some relaxation between ceremony/photos and reception.

What's the venue?
Indoors. I don't want to be fretting about sun exposure (or rain) at my wedding. Church is debatable - I tend to feel uncomfortable in them, since I'm not religious, but if my SO of the time is, I'm flexible. The ultimate would be at a castle of some kind. Durham in Hamilton looks nice.

Large-petal flowers. None of those little tiny bitsy clusters. Stuff like lilies and irises. And lots of flowy fabric - I like flowy fabric. Contrast between the two, as well - Darker flowers on light fabric.

What are you wearing?
Very old-fashioned tuxedo... Tailed, deep blue with gold-coloured embroidery around the hems, and one of those cream-white kerchiefs at the neck. Think along the lines of Matthew Macfadyen as Mr. Darcy.

What is he/she wearing?
I honestly couldn't tell you. It depends on who they are.

Number of people?
Relatively small by wedding standards, I'd think... Mostly family, going from grandparents down. So that's... 4 grandparents, 1 step grandparent, 3 uncles, 2 aunts, 1 uncle-girlfriend, 1 uncle-girlfriend-daughter, 4 cousins, 3 cousin-boyfriends, 2 parents, 1 sister, 1 sister-boyfriend... Wow, up to 22 already? And that's just for my side. Okay, not so small. And there's more friend who I want to invite, too... At -least- 3... plus their SO's.

Ah frig, and Rufu, AJ, Brianna and Bunnie would all have SO's too, wouldn't they?...

I think under-19's (1 cousin, 1 u-g-d) and a lot of SO's may be excluded... For the sake of my sanity x_X It may mean that men are somewhat outnumbered at my wedding, since three of my four cousins are girls, but it'll be much simpler.

What's the reception like?
Still under serious debate. Some days I think "costume party" and other days I think "karaoke". Sometimes I think "BOTH!" and sometimes I think "Neither - Just a nice dinner and a dance floor." In any case, there will be music... And it will be evening/night. Lakeside with a full moon would be really wonderful, so long as there was a backup for potential weather issues. Oh, and either way, little twinkly lights everywhere =)

Aaand you knew this one was coming... Honeymoon?
I really don't want to go to a hot and sandy beach, I'll say that much =( Heat and I don't get along. Dry heat would be better than moist heat, so beach is better than rainforest. Dream honeymoon, though, I wouldn't mind some kind of cool mountain resort... I've always wanted to go to BC. No real desire to go half-way across the world... But again, this depends heavily on the SO.

... I was reeeaaallllyyyyy bored.
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