I still haven't posted the NYC pictures I took with my infamous voice recorder/camera. So here they are.
We started out in Times Square, of course, since it's 20 blocks down from Kyle's 7th Ave. apartment.
The next day, we went to the Central Park Zoo. I took another penguin picture, but it came out pretty bad.
Polar bear on his back, playing with a rubber mat. This was the only picture I got where you could see his head.
Some kind of pigeon in the rainforest area. The things were hanging out on the walkways and generally acting like pigeons.
Coney Island was everything I expected it to be. I could make a mix tape of Coney Island/ Brooklyn songs right off the top of my head. The whole place is like a legend in my mind. If I can work at a newspaper and live in Brooklyn (but not in those apartment towers behind the rides) my life will be perfect.
I thought this one came out pretty, even though I just wanted to get a picture of that weird game, which takes place in a disgusting alley between vendors. I guess a guy runs around in there and you shoot at him with a paintball gun. There wasn't enough light for me to get the alley, unfortunately. It was creepy.
Ok, I need to write a 10-page paper with 20 sources now.