I was wondering if you would like to affiliate with stidhetkinkmeme (for into darkness) and stxihetkinkmeme (for the 2009 movie) and give us a shout out on your meme and profile? They are het only memes to make it easier for users to find het prompts if they are interested. Not there to compete with your meme. Crossposting is highly encouraged. Thank You.
Hi mods I made an oops. I made a breathplay prompt and I as soon as I posted I realized I forgot the trigger warning since asphyxiation is listed. I didn't know if you wanted to delete it so I could repost it with an appropriate warning & I'll definitely be more thoughtful next time: http://strek-id-kink.livejournal.com/1695.html?thread=490911#t490911
Dear Moddie, is fill-trolling allowed? I mean I just saw a fill which is (I believe) totally not what OP wanted - and also trolls the OP. It's ok to post fills like that? O.o
It depends on the situation, if the person is purposefully being spiteful with their fill (like overly patronizing or offensive) then no, it will be removed. If it is in good(ish) taste and more along the lines of crack instead of insulting then it will be allowed. Thanks for bringing this up, anon, I will address it in my next mod post so people can understand the difference between a "mean" fill and a "funny" fill.
How about making sure discussions are taken to the discussion post instead of the prompt if they have a problem with it? And kink shaming? If the mod doesn't step up now on that front, I can guarantee you this situation will be repeated
Those are also great ideas to address, thank you for the suggestion. I'll make sure to clearly state the rules regarding all the areas of conflict and go into enough depth that everyone should understand. We really appreciate comments such as yours that help us identify any problems early on. Thanks.
I was wondering if you could add the new comm john_harrison to your affiliates. It's a new comm where people can read and post any fanworks involving the character John Harrison aka Khan from Star Trek Into Darkness. Crossovers are also welcome.
Re: Someone is copying prompts and reposting thememmyxogastJune 2 2013, 19:40:08 UTC
Yes I have noticed two other users doing the exact thing (also copying my mod comments and posting them at inappropriate areas) and I think they may be the same person doing it as they are all recently created sock accounts. In my next mod post I will be addressing this, and if they don't comply then I will ban them from the community.
I'll go now and delete this 'Cohan' copy of your prompt.
Comments 64
Link to said prompt: http://strek-id-kink.livejournal.com/1695.html?thread=119199#t119199
Here is the link: http://strek-id-kink.livejournal.com/1695.html?thread=551839#t551839
Here is the original prompt that I posted: http://strek-id-kink.livejournal.com/1695.html?thread=457375#t457375
I'll go now and delete this 'Cohan' copy of your prompt.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
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