[OOC] soul_campaign application

Sep 20, 2010 02:51


Name: Noa Voilier
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Fandom: KIBA
Timeline: After episode 39, once the war against Zymot and Tusk has ended and Neotopia’s stupa caves in, supposedly killing him.
History: KIBA’s Wikipedia link
However, that page is woefully lacking any substance. Darn fandom obscurity. I would feel much better tl;dr-ing the history since there are next to no English websites for the series.

Noa grew up in the congested city Calm where the wind never blew. Born with a rare disease weakening his body so a single day’s movement equals a year’s worth of stress, he wore a metallic neck and spinal brace for constant support. While his parents loved him and teachers thought him a model student, his peers saw him as a freak and harassed him until a boy named Zed scared them off one day. They became best friends, seeing in each other understanding and sympathy hard to find in others. Despite their different personalities, they shared a desire for freedom and power.

Noa and Zed warped to different parts of the Shard Casting world. Noa landed in Neotopia's Ratt village. There, he was cared for and partially healed with Healing Shards by a couple whose son was a soldier for the totalitarian government. Because housing foreigners without government notification broke Neotopia’s Absolute Law, the soldier son went to Ratt to publicly execute his father. This example of Absolute Law's cruelty horrified Noa. The execution incited a revolt between rebel Ratt villagers and Neotopian soldiers. Bearing witness to how Absolute Law could tear a peaceful village apart, Noa broke down and subconsciously unleashed his latent Shard Casting abilities. A girl shifted him to the outskirts of the enemy country Zymot, where a band of Seekers found and cared for him. They were transporting an ark containing the Key Spirit Sachura to their destination, until it chose Noa as its master and wiped out everyone but a child named Sagiri.

Lady Diana, second-in-command to the Neotopian ruler Holy Father Hyrum, appeared and shifted Noa and Sagiri to the capital. She and Hyrum insisted Noa was their country’s Savior destined to preserve the Absolute Law. Rather than fearing his Shard Casting powers, they convinced him he could utilize them for good if he could conquer the weakness in his heart and mind. Then, he would grow strong enough to wield his immense power. Determined not to remain the weak, sickly creature he was before arriving in the Shard Casting world, Noa accepted his calling as Neotopia's Savior. He soon emerged as the country’s most trusted soldier, enforcing the law with an iron fist.

The nation hosted an international Shard Casters joust, which reunited Noa and Zed, who was representing Neotopia's ally Templer. Noa hadn't realized how much the rigid Absolute Law twisted and warped his perceptions. Blinded by the power and authority Sachura and Absolute Law bestowed him, Noa couldn't see that Neotopia's government greatly restricted its people's freedom. Several rounds into the Joust, the two friends were put against each other, with Zed determined to show Noa how wrong Absolute Law was. Noa took Zed's hesitation to fight him at full power as an insult, and then described how their friendship was a farce. He claimed all this time he hated Zed for befriending him out of pity to boost his ego. He managed to spark Zed's fighting spirit with his accusations, but underhandedly won the match by taking advantage of Zed's reluctance to deliver the final blow. He later found Zed after Zed rescued a friend from execution for healing patients without government authorization. Noa berated Zed for not taking their fight and Noa as an opponent seriously. However, instead of punishing Zed's gang for violating the law, he allowed them to escape, breaking the very laws he fervently defended.

The Zymotian king Hugh sneaked into the tournament posing as a Tuskan representative with the mission to steal Noa and Zed's Key Spirits and usurp Neotopia for Zymot and Tusk. Failing at both, Hugh received permission from the Tuskan council to attack Neotopia head on. Despite the loss of civilian and military lives, Hyrum refused to take further action until the Key Spirit Monadi was found for Noa to use against their enemies. Unable to handle the pressure his duty as Savior put upon him, Noa experienced a mental breakdown that weakened his morale and incapacitated him. Diana took Noa beneath Neotopia’s stupa to recover Monadi, but someone found it first. The scuffle against the thief caused the stupa to collapse, leaving the two for dead.

When Noa woke up - much to his surprise, honestly - he realized he had been shifted to a new world once again. Time would tell what Death City held in store for this damaged, disgraced soul.

Character Personality:
Noa shows a depth of kindness to most everyone he meets. He easily befriends most of these people and puts their well being first, even at his own inconvenience. His accepting nature comes in hand with his concern for others. He is the kind of person who looks beyond first impressions and sees someone for their soul. He finds the best in other people, rather than dwelling on their faults. He willingly offers his assistance to anyone who might require it, whether it’s a task at hand or a problem that needs a second opinion. His open-minded outlook may be based on his own condition. As a young man ostracized since childhood for his terminal illness, he likely wants others to see him for his personality rather than his health condition.

Noa's gentle personality makes him come off as rather passive on the surface. While it is true he will think given situations through as much as possible before taking action, he isn't a complete pushover. He knows where his intentions and allegiances lie and he'll stand by them at any cost. Having held positions of power such as student body president and a soldier, he holds a sense of duty to his peers and reverence to the rules. While he realizes the purpose of rules and regulations is to ensure peace and cooperation among a community, he isn't so strict of a constructionist to deny someone their say in the matter. Overall, he wants what's best for people and will offer to do what he can to ensure they get that right.

However, Noa harbors an inferiority complex fostered by his illness and, in a way, his friendship with Zed, whom he saw as much stronger and more confident than himself. His weak perception of himself leaves him constantly wanting to become stronger, but vulnerable to manipulation. He draws conviction from having a purpose to fulfill or a cause to defend, rather than from within himself. He doesn't recognize his inner strength, which can lead to drastic changes in his personality. Once he is standing in a position of authority or working towards attaining even greater power, Noa's compassionate character turns cold and arrogant. Nothing matters more than realizing his goals, and people are simply means to a much-desired end. Reminding him that he wanted to grow strong enough to repay the people, mainly Zed, who helped him in his weakness, will bring him back to his senses.

Noa doesn’t rely on his insecurities to bring forth this sort of drive. Letting a childhood illness rule over him and drive him into depression would be easy. If he knew what the outcome would be, then why bother? Noa lived like this early on, allowing the other kids to take advantage of him and waiting for the moment when he would finally die. Being rescued by Zed reversed his perspective, and becoming Neotopia’s savior reaffirmed his decision. He chose to embrace freedom and do as he pleases, rather than chain himself to a hospital bed and round-the-clock medical surveillance, even though doing so would shorten his years. He walks on with quiet determination to take command of his life, accomplish his goals, and fight for what he believes in.

In short, Noa is a good person who means well but occasionally stumbles onto the wrong path. His experiences as a Shard Caster tested his resolve and spirit beyond what he could have previously imagined. While he still has some way to go before coming to a complete understanding of who he is, those experiences and the ones to come will have developed him into a more confident person surer of his strength.

Character Abilities:
Prior to his arrival in Death City, Noa was a Shard Caster who possessed the ability to manifest explosive elemental energy into magical fragments called Shards from the raised markings on his hand and arm. These could be used as projectile weapons, collectively as a shield, and as Shard weapon chargers. In battle Shard Casters often threw several of these Shards to catch their enemies off-balance, keep them from getting too close for comfort, or to nullify their Shard attacks.

Shard Casters with strong psyches could command monstrous beings called Spirits to aid in battle. Noa was among the select few who controlled one of the six Key Spirits, which were among the most powerful of these mystical monsters. With his Spirit Sachura, Noa quickly ascended the ranks in Neotopia’s government and carried out his responsibilities as the nation’s savior. At one point, he managed to collect all the Key Spirits to summon the Spirit god Tusker, though it later possessed him and caused destruction across all the Shard Casting nations. Still, for a brief moment he was able to handle more Key Spirits than most people, which should attest to his resolve. (This happens after the canon point I pull him from, but I felt it was an important detail to bring up.)

Despite his weak body, Noa developed into an adept fighter. His dual weapon could be used as a whip or a sword, allowing him a wider range of combative options and ingenuity. An accomplished swordsman, he'll charge and come at his opponents with a barrage of slashes, slices, and jabs. His whip is an even more inventive addition to his combat style. He can use it to latch onto his targets and drag them closer or throw them around, or he can crack it at them to hit or disarm them. If he needs to be on the defensive, he can make his Shard whip whirl around him in a protective barrier. He's also quick enough on his feet and able to evade blows coming his direction fairly easily.

Noa also plays the harmonica fairly well. He only does so once in the series, but he plays the song Sagiri is trying to learn for Neotopia’s founding ceremony without mistake on his first try.

Character Weaknesses:
Along with the inferiority complex described in the personality section, Noa suffers from a presumably musculoskeletal illness that severely weakens his body. This illness forced him to wear a spinal corset to provide his body support, but his physical activity still prevented him from participating in most strenuous activities. The debilitating effects of it were kept at bay by his Shard Casting abilities, but it’s very possible his illness could come out of remission during his stay in Death City because he would no longer possess the powers he once did. He would need to regularly consult a physician to manage his illness, especially when he achieves his Weapon form. Changing his body’s shape would likely put added strain on it.

Noa handles tremendous pressure poorly, as evidenced towards the end of Neotopia’s invasion. As the nation’s savior, he was expected to rise from the ashes, defeat Zymot and Tusk’s combined forces, and rescue Neotopia. In fact, Lord Hyrum refused to take action against Hugh and his troops until Noa was returned from capture and the Key Spirit Monadi was excavated from beneath the landmark stupa. Furthermore, Hyrum initially decided to let some citizens captured by Hugh die by his hand because they allowed themselves to be held hostage at all, which broke his Absolute Law. Wanting to protect Hyrum, the hostages, and Neotopia itself but at an utter loss how, Noa broke down emotionally and was unable to do anything, even when Sagiri was taken away and the stupa crumbled over him and Diana. Ashamed of this, Noa will be hesitant at first to join Shinigami-sama’s cause. He’s afraid he won’t be able to handle the demands this new war, as well as synchronize with his prospective Meister.


Why your character should be a Weapon:
At the heart of his character, Noa is a servant for a higher cause and puts other people’s needs before his own. He offers himself as a tool for others to use on several occasions. As the student body president for his school back in Calm, he acted as the voice of the student population and worked to accommodate the students’ and faculty’s needs. He was a high-ranking soldier in Neotopia’s army, as well as its most talented representative in the international joust. Even his own reasons for attaining power involve wanting to help his best friend and others, by extension, though he may not realize this yet. As a Weapon, he would want to use his power to assist his partner in growing stronger as a Meister as well as a protector of Death City.

Strength and power can be difficult concepts to quantify, and Noa would have trouble judging his progress without Zed nearby since he assesses his own strength based on how it compares to that of his best friend’s. In addition to one day being able to return Zed’s help, he would want to achieve Death Scythe status and be of utmost use to Shinigami-sama’s cause. Should he be assigned a Weapon, he would think of becoming a Death Scythe as a figurative measuring stick for his goal to becoming stronger and would have a better idea of what to focus his energy on.

What is your character's Weapon form?:
Noa takes on the form of a chakram twelve inches wide, similar to the energy rings his Spirit Sachura threw at its opponents. A handgrip extends across its diameter, which allows him to be used as both a ranged and melee weapon. He can be flung at a target in any of the traditional methods his Meister chooses, such as underhanded in close range, from the side like a Frisbee, or according to the tajani method of twirling him around an index finger and flicking him with a quick wrist snap. Should his Meister need to use him in closer encounters, he can be held by the middle handle and implemented as a large knuckleduster that concentrates a punch’s force as well as slices into his target. A chakram is essentially a ringed blade, so any part of his outer rim can be used as a cutting edge. He can slash his target however way his Meister holds him.

Once Meister and Weapon achieve Resonance, Noa’s outer rim will extend out and curve around the ring in three blades, resembling the curls of a pinwheel. His edges are much sharper than they were in his default form, glow with a gold-colored energy, and allow him to lodge into his targets as well as slice into them. How in sync his and his Meister’s wavelengths are determines how well he will return to his Meister’s hand after he is cast. By default, he will be compelled to fly back but can be blocked by another force. If their wavelengths are having trouble synchronizing, it will take a longer time for him to come back. Such an instance would hopefully urge Meister and Weapon to match wavelengths, but should they struggle to do so one of them must will Noa back enough to compensate for the weaker wavelength and achieve a temporary balance. Conversely, if they are completely in tune with each other, Noa will reach his Meister without fail.

Noa’s Weapon form makes a nifty accessory as well. He adds an elegant touch to all sorts of hats, brightens the neckline as a large necklace, and hangs neatly off of belts.

But Weapons are meant for fighting, not fashion.


Soul Description: Sympathetic, dutiful, malleable, determined, yearning, insecure

Soul Appearance: Noa’s soul glows a blue-green color. It bears rectangular glasses that curve convexly on the top and bottom of the lens. The arc above its head takes after that of his Key Spirit, Sachura. It then comes down into what resembles the tufts of hair framing Noa’s face and jaw line. While Noa won’t have his Key Spirit on him when he arrives in Death City, his soul combines the physical characteristics of them both to signify the partnership established when Sachura chose him to be its Shard Caster.

Here is a graphic representation of Noa's soul

Noa will be experiencing a lot of guilt, due to the point in time I’ve pulled him from. I chose this canon point because I felt it was a good place for him to start afresh. While I fully intend to have him join Shinigami-sama’s cause, he’ll be ambivalent about doing so at first. Just give him time to rediscover his convictions and adjust to life in Death City.

For being a lifelong, debilitating condition, the series handwaves a lot of the possible complications of Noa’s illness. I personally believe it weakens his immune system along with his body frame. Also, for all the fighting he does in the second half of the series, he doesn’t appear to suffer from his sickness the way he did in the first few episodes. He does receive Healing Shard treatment in two instances during his stay in Ratt, and I like to think he underwent periodic treatments while he was in Neotopia. I doubt Hyrum and Diana would allow their nation’s savior to fall ill when they depended so much on his power.


Player Name: Ashi
Age: 23
Timezone: GMT-5 (Eastern Standard Time)
Personal Journal: mistressofrobin
Contact Information: E-mail: loreli_leigalis[at]yahoo.com Plurk: tehashface AIM: rinachada
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