easter sunday

Apr 16, 2006 12:51

on that good friday I was eating lunch with jenny, while she was reading the newspaper ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

rzyna April 16 2006, 17:39:16 UTC
I'm really surprised that 2/3 of the world goes to church. that can't be right, as much less than 2/3 of the world's population is catholic, in any form of it.

I was talking to my friend from Sweden, and there it's a rooster that deliver the eggs, so that makes more sense, but it still strange as roosters don't lay eggs.
I have no idea how bunnies came to be connected to eggs over here.

In Poland we carve butter into a Ram. no eggs or bunnies.

traditions are strange things.


stressballpoped April 17 2006, 02:38:16 UTC
I don't know about the 2/3 thing, but carving a ram, that's a lot of butter


rzyna April 17 2006, 02:52:43 UTC
I should have said it wasn't a full sized ram! it's only a pound of butter shaped into a ram, so not that big!

it would be an intersting thing to find out, but I'm not sure how one would do it.


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