Still unemployed so I have all this time to watch television. It is the best. Don't even try to make me feel guilty about this. You will not succeed.
1) Doctor Who. I am finally done catching up. I can watch along with everyone else when series 6 comes back in the fall. A different kind of torture but at least I won't be spoiled too badly this time.
Series 3 is definitely my favorite from the RTD era, thanks largely to the lack of Martha Jones love on the internet. It's a shame because she's awesome and I love her but because there was much less fangirling over her, I was 90% unspoiled for the third series. If you ever want to watch Doctor Who, avoid spoilers in general, but more so for series 3 because the series arc is the most elegant RTD's written for the show.
Series 5 was fun but I wasn't too in love with it. I love Eleven but I felt like Amy was more of a plot device than a character, which is subverted by Moffat at the end when he tells us that's exactly what Amy is. Series 6 is pretty stellar so far though. Moffat's use of time travel is masterful. Really, there's no other word for it. Again, to fully appreciate this, best to stay spoiler-free.
2) Crushing on Raquel Cassidy, who guest-starred on Doctor Who this year as snarky but secretly tortured badass Miranda Cleaves. I downloaded two other shows she's been in and it looks like she also plays a snarky, no-nonsense but barely-holding-it-together type in both of them. It's one of my favorite character types and she's really good at it so I don't mind.
Also, she has an impressive badger face
...smiles only on one side
...and looks like Holly Marie Combs and Patti LuPone's love child, which does it for me, apparently.
She is so pretty to me, I don't even know. I also have a soft spot for actors like her who can underplay their characters (see also: Carey Mulligan).
3) Cougar Town. I've been watching this in between Who episodes. I freakin' love everyone on this show. It feels like Friends, with a dash of 30 Rock's absurdity. Started season two a few days ago. This time I'll be watching it in between Breaking Bad episodes. If I remember correctly, there's a pretty gruesome death in the first season of Breaking Bad, so it'll be good to have fun little Cougar Town breaks. For anyone who cares, I ship Travis and Laurie.
4) Downton Abbey. I WANNA WATCH IT AGAIN. (But I can't because I need to marathon Breaking Bad before season four premieres next month.) It has well-written characters (and even the one-dimensional ones are brilliantly acted, so you still enjoy watching them), witty dialogue, exciting twists - it's super juicy actually, considering it's set at the end of the Edwardian era. If fancy soap operas are your thing, then please get on this show ASAP.
I'll also try to finish Sherlock soon. Xander made me watch the pilot, which I loved. Watson/Martin Freeman has won me over, ohmygod. He is adorable. But I need to rewatch the pilot with headphones on because I missed a few lines the first time. The first season only has 3 episodes so it won't take too long. I don't know how people can stand the wait and how BBC can sustain people's interest like they have. Power of quality programming, I guess.