I'm alittle behind, I know... but here's the 8 days I've missed.
217/365: PreFlight Check
Starr and I stopped to grab dinner before flying out, said dinner of course included an adult beverage

218/365: Paris and Geneva
A couple of silly shots of Starr and I as we wandered through airports

219/365: CERN
This is after the photowalk, which was pretty amazing. Hopefully I'll have some images to share soon.

220/365: Hotel
About to shift hotels from the one in Thoiry, France to one closer to Geneva, Switzerland itself.

221/365: Gardens and Dinner
Starr and I spend the day in Geneva running around being tourists. It started at the Botanical Gardens and ended with a lovely dinner at La Favola

222/365: Amsterdam McD
It has become a bit of a tradition for Starr and I to have McDonalds when we're traveling... so we grab some in Amsterdam's airport. Oh and the GreekMac wasn't too bad.

223/365: Soda
Back in the States and running errands with Starr after tromping around transit station in the heat.

224/365: In 3D!
Took Starr to see Step Up 3D as she wanted to see it. Over all an alright film, reminded me a lot of several 80s films