K I was just wandering around in sex like pink, you looked interesting so I decided to check out your journal and thought I saw the name Noelle some where...is that your name too???
sure I'll add ya too! yay adding, ha. But no I don't have the dots---trema--- officially, do you? (I say officially because as a French Minor I tend to catch myself doing it on stuff other than french work) Oh also, my journal is new---my twin just gave me a code, and I still haven't figured out how to do pics (they never seem to work for me!) so anyway Im thinkin of tryin to do the SLP thang when she shows me once I go back to cali for break. WOOT
hey, i just read ur request an icon lj, you really didn't have to ban me. if you ask me not to fill requests, i wont do it. the request was on my friends page (i was going to request icons before i got my software). i usually dont read the community info page before i post that i made someone's icon. i'd appreciate it if you "unban" me because i wont fill any requests. i'd like the option to talk to other ppl. i would also like to know how i can make icons for your community. thanx. -nina
i understand what you're saying. but i only warned you (in the post) however, it was alleigh (the mod and creator of the community) who banned you. i dont have a problem with you being unbanned since i know that you didnt realize (but you really SHOULD read user infos before you join a community just as habit), but she did it so you'll have to take it up with her not me, sorry.
and decided to make some little snippy comment, because you can't be bothered to think RULES need to be read before you did something. If it wasn't important you wouldn't have posted your little post in your journal.
Comments 168
whend you turn into a cat?
btw: whats your name? and tell me something about yourself, ANYTHING
add away, i'll add you back
and MERRY CHRISTMAS to you too ;)
you're the third LJ noelle i've met (there are a lot of them!)
but i'll add you name twin ;) (may i?)
btw> do you have the dots over the E?
yea, def post to SLP, we love fresh blood ;)
and yup i do, had the dots that is...
and ::adds::
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