[ For once, the video clicks on, instead of the poor network being flooded with obnoxious red text. Dave is lounging in a chair, behind a café table somewhere in Goldenrod, with a bubble tea in one hand. ]
Ladies. Strider needs a favour.
[ Why yes, he's talking to all of you. Or any of you, really. ]I'm willing to offer a few hours of my time to
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you have the hm
and youre free saturday
gee i didnt know you felt that way about me
In your wildest dreams Strider.
I might take you up on free dinner though.
i said dinner for the hm
no freeloaders here
[ Except... for Dave himself. ]
What makes you think I don't have this HM you're looking for?
see clause b
> the first pretty girl
> pretty girl
> pretty
I'm pretty!!!!!!!!
The most 8eautiful troll on Alternia I'll have you kn8w!
And charming to 8oot!
I h8ve many irons in the fire, so you'd 8e w8se to t8ke this opportunity, you know.
You m8ght not get another ch8nce!!!!!!!!
we just had an eightsplosion up in here
its the eightpocalypse
the black fucking eight plague
we need to quarantine this shit
but seriously
terezis way hotter than you
You must 8e as 8lindy 8lind as sh8 is!!!!!!!!
There is no fucking w8y Terezi is prettier th8n I am!
May8e those cool sh8des of yours are o8structing your vision!!!!!!!!
day thirteen
it seems exclamation points travel in packs
they shun the weaker ones and cast them out
but a single exclamation point doesnt last long on its own in this wilderness
especially with all these feral eights running around
theyre fucking vicious
and their population is growing by the day
i fear for my safety
W8, are you making fun of me????????
a few flocks of periods and a pack of question marks are moving into the area
i anticipate a brutal killing
question marks are docile even in groups
and the exclamation points have been hardened by the need to constantly defend themselves against the eights
the periods may stand a chance though
it remains to be seen
You can forget dinner!
O8viously you don't know a good thing when you see it!
Then again, you did d8 Eridan, so I guess that's a given.
i didnt date ampora
i trolled him
and it was fucking glorious
Okay, I'll give you that one.
That was pretty funny.
Maaaaaaaay8e you have some taste, 8ut o8viously not enough, if you're gonna pass up the opportunity to 8uy me dinner.
Especially in exchange for something.
Yoooooooour loss.
and then were going out for bubble tea and ice cream
wouldnt call it a loss exactly
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