So! Urataros, being taken from post-movie, can possess people at will. He is known to bodyjack at times (STOP ABUSING GIRLS, YUUTO. WHAT WOULD AIRI-SAN SAY?) when convenient, or when someone is going to inflict harm on a pretty girl. As a result, it might come up, so I figured I should just check with people about who can/can't be possessed.
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Comments 8
I play an Imagin and a girl I don't want some ero Imagin entering, so no for Deneb and Ran. :| b
A walking skeleton with a giant afro who is only alive because his superpower keeps him alive.
A gigantic shapeshifting bald doctor who wears a bag over his head.
Optimus Prime.
And one, count them, ONE man who looks like a regular human, except he's constantly dressed in a red cape and covers his everything up in a gimp outfit (i.e Vincent Valentine).
In other words, blanket permission for Urataros to possess ANYONE HE WANTS TO among my characters. Because it could only lead to hilarity which I deeply approve of.
Delirium: yeah no
Yukimi: yes
Dancy: no
Belphegor: very situational! Ask first.
Kirima Nagi: yes
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