so much for the city...

Jan 26, 2006 19:30

I've been going a bit crazy here lately. I think I'm tired of seeing the same people. Not anyone in particular- just the same type of people. Everyone in Ann Arbor, at least in my little part of it, is a college kid between the ages of 18-23ish and can be pigeonholed into three categories (regardless of race): super nerdy, super greek, or super ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

anonymous January 26 2006, 17:22:39 UTC
well we'll get to hang out with some fuckin lions and stuff soon enough.

and you can meet Vikram. he is 18-23, but he looks like he's 27 and he's from India, and he provides the official comic relief for Landon Hall.

see yuhhhhhhh


uhhhhhhhh phillybob January 26 2006, 17:23:35 UTC
yeah that was me...if you couldnt tell already.


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