Jul 07, 2004 01:52
wow i havent updated in a while and that is because i havent had any good poems and i havent had time to make them so yea, but i am going to put a couple of pics on here at another time that you can see of me and shane and brooke and yamile and pat and danielle, ok but you have to wait for a little bit ok thank bubye
Jun 23, 2004 22:32
my heart beats
my body tingles
my hands shake
the knife touches my skin
i close my etes
i press and pull
i feel the releif
the stress is gone
the blood flows
Jun 22, 2004 19:53
i am michelle lynn A.K.A billy, this journal was made just to look at some pics on my friend nicholes jouranl but now i really like what she did for to it, so i am going to keep this jouranl and only put pics and poems in it sorry bubye.