title: a hundred good reasons to stay
fandom: Wicked RPF
pairing: Shoshana Bean/Eden Espinosa, Julia Murney
rating: pg-13
disclaimer: I don't own these people and, as this is a work of fiction, obviously these events didn't happen.
summary: I could be falling.
They shouldn’t have done that, maybe, but Eden can’t think of single person who would have told them not to. )
Comments 14
This is so perfect. Like, really perfect. I've been picturing this kind of Eden/Sho ever since that photo of them outside their Ballet class. Epic cuteness.
Also, you are a fic writing machine! I can't believe how quickly you wrote this.
I know, they're twitter conversation are practically begging for fic.
Ha, I can't believe it either. Apparently Elphie slumber parties inspire me?
This was so gorgeous. =)
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