Part 2: With Nao & Rei's blog posts to Kazamin <3
1:09:12 - happy birthday! Happy Birthday Kazamin!!
That you've taken care of my troublesome self without regret
thank you. (laughs)
As someone who's a musician
I respect you
Let's do it from now on!
Last year, for Kazamin's birthday
I gave a plastic model of Sergeant Keroro. (laughs)
Sorry for troubling you ssu(☆ω☆)ノシ
0:00:28 - Kazami Happy birthday!(o`∀´o) Today it the rhythm concept guy Kazami's birthday (o`∀´o)
I'm happy to be able to go celebrate our time together for a long time this year☆
I can't even think of it you weren't the drummer Kazami ☆
I've known you close to 9 years now! (laughs)
We've been together in DaizyStripper for so long that maybe we'll make the Guinness length [for knowing each other]. ( ̄ー+ ̄)
Aim to be the strongest rhythm team ☆
I took the picture from Kazami's blog without permission ( ̄ー+ ̄)
[note: Random Japanese lession! :D Rei wrote 'Happy Birthday' in japanese. So he wrote "おたんじょうびおめでとう" = 'otanjyoubi omedetou' Now you guys know how to say 'Happy Birthday to someone :)]