Hey my summer girl!!

Apr 29, 2005 14:33

so I suppose it's that time again for me to update... first, i'd like to importantly note that me and my gf celebrated our 1 year last friday. Took her to Samurai, and she complained about how it was expensive and did not enjoy the food that much, but I knew she was very grateful and thanked me in the process. wonder where I should take her for ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

hapily_deranged April 29 2005, 18:53:18 UTC
chupa mi cuolo (sp?)
thats what we say.
one time
and my friend jesse says you cant say it
but i do
and im cool.
but not really.
videogames make me sleeeeeepy
odd....being that im wacthing him battle it out.


__squishy May 16 2005, 21:10:51 UTC
Muwahahaha! STAR WARS! YES!!!! *Waves her lightsaber spoon around*


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