fanfiction rec list (INCEPTION)

Jul 05, 2011 13:58



we're heirs to the glimmering world - imogenedisease 
Warnings: none
Summary: “You’re an investment banker,” Eames tells him. “You’re very good. You keep me in the style I’m accustomed to, and we are charmingly co-habitating.”
Arthur pauses and tries to take that in.
“Is there a reason why I’m your imaginary boyfriend?” Arthur asks.

Three's a Crowd - downwardlinear 
Warnings: Angst, semi-domestic
Summary: Arthur is the third wheel in his own relationship

The Third Wheel - downwardlinear - sequel to Three's a Crowd
Warnings: Angstish, semi-domestic, humor
Summary: Arthur is the third wheel in his own relationship. Part 2.

It Makes a Slight Whizzing Sound As It Flies Directly Over Arthur's Head - kittie_gurl57 
Warnings: none
Summary: Eames has tried everything.

Hey Jealousy! (Or: I Can Hear This Beat) - yanethyrael 
Warnings: jealousy issues
Summary: With Cobb out of the picture, they need a new extractor. Arthur knows somebody, but Eames doesn’t like it…

Take This Sinking Boat and Point It Home - of_evangeline 
Warnings: none
Summary: Eames wakes up alone.

Pumpkin Cheesecake - aimlesstravels 
Warnings: Schmoop
Summary: Arthur tries to make pumpkin cheesecake. Phillipa tries to help. And Eames causes shenanigans. Just your normal Thanksgiving at the Cobb residence.

I'm the Same Boy I Used to Be - hackthis 
Warnings: none
Summary: They meet twice before the job. First, at the airport. Second, on a subway.

money can't buy you love (but it - and some verbal judo - can sure help things along) - hackthis 
Summary: "I feel alarmed."
Arthur squints in the darkness -- which is ridiculous since he's on the phone. He can't see the person he's talking to. And yet -- it's Eames. Nothing is too ridiculous when it comes to Eames.
"Alarmed," Arthur repeats into his mobile phone.

Don't Call My Eames - ivynights 
Warnings: none
Summary: Based off the inception_kink prompt: the team meet eames' ex boyfriend, ex bf is hella flirty w/ eames-he still wants that hot bitch, obviously. cue arthur getting rapidly jealous but trying v. hard not to show it to the world.
bonus internet cookie if:
- it's not an established relationship
- eames doesn't realize that arthur is crazy jealous with this ex lovah of him
- but the rest of the team do

Who's Margery Daw Anyway? - PenPistola (links to another website)
Warnings: none
Summary: Arthur and Eames have a conversation while on a seesaw.

Think It Over (Look No Further) - suchdisguise 
Warnings: Angst, schmoop
Summary: Arguments over a few years and how Eames gets the winning card he never knew he had.


Put Your Hands On Me - meiface 
Warnings: none
Summary: Arthur didn't expect to be the handsier one of the two of them.

Happy Fifth Day On the Job (at least we're still alive) - wrisomifu 
Warnings: none
Summary: The first time is in Prague, Chamonix doesn’t count to either of them so the first time is in Prague after the Fischer job when Eames walks into the abandoned library with its sad empty shelves.

And I Feel Fine - amazingly_me 
Warnings: none
Summary: So as it turns out, Arthur is in love. This is not a particularly welcome revelation, besides which he isn't quite sure what to do with it.

How I Met Your Forger: Wingman Edition - mixtapestar 
Crossover with: How I Met Your Mother
Warnings: none
Summary: Barney reveals his big secret: what he actually does for a living. But mostly he just tells his awesome wingman story.

Job Requirements - mixtapestar 
Warnings: none
Summary: Arthur thinks Eames' flat is a mess. Eames has a solution for that.

Waiting on a Love Like This - reliablemachine 
Warnings: None
Summary:  College/high school AU! Written for this prompt: Eames is a college kid that works late-night at an In-N-Out close to the beach (alternately, any fast-food chain or Denny's). Arthur's the high school kid who walks in one night, after Prom with his friends, and steals Eames's heart.

Blood, Ink, and Almond Sugar - schesinger 
Warnings: None
Summary: In which Eames is skeptical and sounds like sex, and Arthur spills blood, ink, and almond sugar to convince him he's serious.

Waiting On - thehoyden 
Warnings: character death, dark
Summary: Eames dies, and his projections haunt Arthur's subconscious.

conspirators in living - smallacts 
Warnings: schmoop, violence, questionable parenting
Summary: After his mother "retires," Arthur finds himself in need of a new business partner. He gets a bit more than he bargained for with Eames. OR; in which Arthur becomes a real boy.

kiss the sun at night - knowmydark 
Warnings: none
Summary: Arthur wants convenience. Eames wants something more. (That is, when he's not trying to get Arthur to sleep with him.)

forged you like a weapon, like an arrow in my bow - fermine 
Warnings: none
Summary: Five times Eames called Arthur in the middle of the night, and one time Arthur showed up unexpectedly at Eames' doorstep.

Hands - SB Thatcher (links to another website)
Warnings: none
Summary: Arthur is so paranoid someone, anyone will walk through the bathroom door at the wrong time and catch them in the act. But Eames is there with his wandering hands and mumbled words of affection - relax, darling - and somehow Arthur does.

Here is the Deepest Secret Nobody Knows -  Somnacin (links to another website)
Warnings: none
Summary: In which Ariadne is curious, and Arthur and Eames are dreaming.

never am I so safe as I am with you - enjambment 
Warnings: none
Summary: Arthur has better subconscious security than anyone in the world. It’s notoriously impossible to steal a secret from him. Unless, of course, you’re Eames.

PASIV/ACTIV - jibrailis 
Warnings: none
Summary: The team gets a new PASIV.

Quid pro Quo - aimlesstravels 
Warnings: character death(s)
Summary: Cobb has close to nothing left. He has only his children left to lose, and he'll be damned if he loses them too. So, stupidly, desperately, he gives up his other "children" instead.

Rules of Endearment - saucy_kate 
Warnings: none
Summary: As Eames' use of pet names escalates, so does Arthur's attraction to him.

this is it boys, this is war - skyvehicle 
Warnings: none
Summary: They have a long drive ahead of them.

When I was a Child - aimlesstravels 
Warnings: Language, character death (?)
Summary: Phillipa Marjorie Cobb is only five minutes old the first time she sees her Uncle Arthur. She's eleven the first time she sees him shoot a man. But it doesn't scare her. Not one little bit.
Companion piece: When I Grew Up

where all the roads lead - knowmydark 
Warnings: none
Summary: Eames resorts to drastic measures to convince Arthur to go on holiday.


Poker Shirt - atratuslupin 
Warnings: none
Summary: Arthur wears this, and he and Eames tie up loose ends.


Comfort and Joy (or Five Times Arthur & Eames Cuddled and One Time They Didn't) - meiface 
Warnings: Dangerous levels of fluff
Summary: The first five times don't count, because Arthur says so, and after that he's sort of lost count.

You're Waiting for a Stranger - mixtapestar 
Warnings: some kink
Summary: College AU. Arthur's plans for his life are very detailed and predictable, just the way he likes it... until Eames comes along.
Part 2 --- Part 3
other fanfiction set in this verse:  merry xmas, r u there? (PG13)

Love in the time of Marmite - sirona_gs  and weatherfront 
Warnings: none
Summary: Arthur-is-a-magical-chef fic. Basically. And then there's Eames. And Marmite. But this is mainly a story about Love, always about Love.

Alone - knowmydark 
Warnings: Angst
Summary: Eames' inability to concentrate on the job is Arthur's fault, and it could end them both in Limbo.
The Sequel, Alive: Part One -- Part Two --  Part Three -- Part Four -- Part Five

yesterday I got so old I felt like I could die - fermine 
Summary: Arthur and Eames ahve been in a relationship for years, but niether wants to admit it first.

burn my bridges - knowmydark 
Warnings: none
Summary: Eames drunk-dials Arthur.

put down all your weapons - imogenedisease 
Warnings: none
Summary: They met on a joint military venture into dreamsharing, and Arthur had already hit Sergeant somehow, had rocketed up the ladder. He was twenty-two and he was perfect, and Eames was assigned right by his side.
It made watching his ass in his uniform very, very easy.

The One-Sided Correspondence of Mr. Eames - sablier_bloque 
Warnings: Inception spoilers
Summary:Eames leaves Arthur little notes - anywhere he can sneak them. Inside his jacket pocket, stuck to the side of his coffee mug, folded up at the bottom of his bag and so on.


Arthur, Darling - Anonymous
Warnings: none
Summary: It starts like this: Eames is sarcastic and snarky and just looking to push Arthur's buttons.

Wild Turkey - Anonymous
Warnings: none
Summary: The more Arthur drinks, the more Southern he becomes.

i know your game - vlieger 
Warnings: none
Summary: Arthur opens his door wearing nothing but a pair of grey, as-yet beltless trousers.

Warnings: none
Summary: a comment_fic fill - to my prompt! "the sun cast shadows on the sheets, and Eames was still there."

Uncomplicated - aviss 
Warnings: none
Summary: The first time they slept together was completely unexpected. It was the most amazing sex Eames had had in his life.

Les Halles - sorrynotsorry 
Warnings: none
Summary: "I never discuss love on an empty stomach." Eames discovers Arthur is a foodie (a  person devoted to sensuous enjoyment of food and drink), and makes him an elaborate, delicious meal.

Desiderata - anonymous
Warnings: none
Summary: Arthur, Arthur. Arthur like gunsmoke.

My Paranoid Valentine - weatherfront 
Warnings: none
Summary: Eames can't help it. He's never seen Arthur die before.

Prison Bars and Snail Shells - suchdisguise 
Warnings: none
Pairings: none
Summary: When the Inception Cool Kids Club hears that The King's Speech is going to win Best Picture, they know there's only one thing to do: Inception the fuck out of Steven Spielberg.

O how glad I waked to find this but a dream! -  tigriswolf 
Warnings: character death
Pairings: Mal/Cobb, implied Arthur/Eames
Summary: A comment_fic fill - to my prompt! "Cobb + children, watching them grow up."

running (is something we've always done)crayon_scrawls 
Warnings: none
Summary: Sleep has never come easily to Arthur. That's why he's so surprised that it comes easily when he's got his head on Eames's shoulder.

Words Are Not Enoughcanyousayhot 
Warnings: none
Summary: It all starts with a text message.
Part 2 -- Part 3 -- Part 4

to be updated constantly



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