Hey there, lovely to meet you. I've added you back and now I'll be all over your LJ for a while until I know everything about you :) Australian fans are awesome so you have high expectations :D
Hallo, i'm Violet, 21 from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. I guess we have this TH-Twincest thing in common, so id; love to be added. If you don't mind of course
Hey, I see you've banned me from you LJ so can't contact you any other way than here. I'd like to know a reason as all the reasons listed in your small print at your profile really don't ring a bell to me - I don't see myself as a racist or a child-prostitution supporter, so would be interest to know? Cheers :)
I'm Chelsea, from the lovely state of New York! I'm a huge, huge fan of your writing o///o. I started reading your fanfiction on TFF and then saw you had a livejournal too so I figured why nottt? (:
Hi Chelsea! Wow, thanks, I'm so flattered by that - plus I definitely want to see that amazing icon as much as possible, so of course I'll add you. Welcome :)
Comments 44
I'm another huge TH fan :D
comment back about anything else you'd like to know about me
I've added you back and now I'll be all over your LJ for a while until I know everything about you :) Australian fans are awesome so you have high expectations :D
also, i'm a TH fan, yay! mind if i add you? :)
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I'm Chelsea, from the lovely state of New York! I'm a huge, huge fan of your writing o///o. I started reading your fanfiction on TFF and then saw you had a livejournal too so I figured why nottt? (:
xD. Isn't it amazing? I adore it so.
Yours is pretty amazing, too.
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