i love my boyfriend
sensesfail12791: okay heres what we have to do for like birthdays and christmas and stuff ... this is what my friend nick and his girlfriend do for special occasions we have to sit and discuss the price range of whatever we're gunna buy so we know how much to spend ( they know what they talking about they've been together for 2 years ) i think me and you will be together longer than two years
okay it weirded me out that hes already talking about his bday, xmas and my bday.. because thats like 4 months from now and my bday is 7months from now.. and thats like long.. and its weird cuz hes 12.. but like when he he says stuff like that its .. idk how to describe it.. it makes me happy and i kinda feel like its true. like its not going to be a month or whatever. i mean.. its kinda weird thinking about being with someone forever .. and id ont wanna get my hopes up and i dont wanna get to close.. because when it does happen i dont wanna be like all broken and like crushed up dying on the floor. well whatever he made my night 50x better. cuz my day/night sucked. i might see him tomorrow since he didnt come today. which was a good thing cuz my dad flipped on keelin and kristen cuz they're dumb.. and i guess since he was on a roll he yelled at me for not stopping they're water fight. but honestly.. how the fuck would i stop it?! im in a CAST.. and they dont listen when im not in a cast.. what in the world makes you think i could stop it now?! from IN the house?! and today i went tothe doctor for my ankle and i have to keep in on for 2 more weeks :( .. ill have it on for the first 3 days of school.. but amy will be my buddy so its all good. yea im gonna go now.. bye bye ♥