1. Can you walk around your house at night with the lights off and not run into anything? Sure
2. Ever put off emailing for over a month? Umm yeah definitely
3. Ever received a "why don't you write me?" email? Not that I can remember....
4. Ever taken your frustration/bad mood out on others? All the time. I'm not nice.
5. Ever had a huge argument and then realized that you were wrong? Yes. But I have issues with admitting I'm wrong, so I will continue to argue.
6. Ever left things the way they were just because it would be harder to resolve it? Yeah. No additional comment.
7. Ever thought someone was 'hopeless'? Yes.
8. Ever been so dazed that you take a drink of water but completely miss your mouth? Not sure...but this one time I fell asleep after waking up in the middle of the night to drink water and I was still holding the cup when I woke up. Yeah, good story, I know.
9. Ever dropped your toothbrush in the toilet? Nope.
10. Have you ever dropped something in the toilet that you HAD to retrieve? Yes. One time I dropped one of my favorite socks in the toilet and I was mad because I had to go and get a different, less good sock.
11. Ever driven off from the gas station without closing the gas thing? No. But today I was parking at the pool and I missed the space so I had to reverse and when I was turning around to look behind me I leaned my arm across the steering wheel and the horn blared and then my dad made fun of me.
12. Can you sleep better at night or during the day? I can't sleep during the day.
13. Do you print out pictures of celebrities/musicians off of the Internet? Umm....kinda.
14. Have you ever entered an art contest? Nope can't draw.
15. Do you remember the Lisa Frank phase? Haha yess oh elementary school.
16. Is your favourite colour evident by the clothes you wear? Um yes almost everything I wear is pink.
17. Coats and sweaters or tank tops and bathing suits? I'm a swimmer. I live in bathing suits. And tank tops are like my staple. I can't live without them.
18. Do you think everyone should have a significant other during the winter months? Sure.
19. Is there a movie that you can really relate to? Love Actually. I'm definitely like Sarah.
20. Ever found lyrics to a song that almost exactly describes you? OMG yes all the time.
21. Ever go to a place of business so often that costumers think you work there? Haha um, maybe the pool? But then again I know everyone there so they know I'm not a guard.
22. Would you go to a strip club to watch members of the opposite sex? Same sex? Ha and hells no.
24. Do you think movies overemphasize the differences in society? (Sexual preferences, racial, cultural, religious identities) Depends on the movie.
25. Do you look at people in the car next to you at the stoplight? Always. I mean come on there's nothing else to do when you're waiting for the light to change.
26. Ever said a word so many times in a row that it didn't even sound like a word anymore? Haha yep.
27. Was there a book series you read growing up? Babysitters Club, Sweet Valley High, Saddle Club...the list goes on.
28. Do you write letters on notebook paper, stationary, computer paper, other, or all? All.
29. Ever written a letter to someone and weren't able to give it to them because it was so personal and detailed? Define 'letter.'
30. Where do your wet towels end up after your shower/bath? Aaaah wet towels...another swimming reference. They end up either on my bed or on the dining room floor (where I keep the swim bag). The circle of life is complete when they get hung up in the bathroom or thrown in the laundry after a great deal of nagging.
31. Ever guessed what time it was and been off by hours? I'm a type A. I'm obsessed with time. Sometimes I can be exactly right down to the minute.
32. Do you have a subscription to anything? Teen People, CosmoGirl, Seventeen, YM (which is now some like Teen Vogue crap...umm wtf??), and of course Splash (which needs to become like a monthly one).
33. Do you get more friend mail, business mail, or junk mail? I get college mail all the time.
34. Ever slept nude? Can't say I have.
35. Ever walked around your house nude? Nope.
36. Anyone ever accidentally see you naked? Visa versa? Umm maybe idk.
37. Do you dental floss daily? Weekly? When I feel like it.
38. Do you use mouthwash or think that brushing is enough? Brushing and mints.
39. Ever been in the middle of a sexual act and actually Felt The Heat between the two of you? A sexual act? oooook
40. Are you able to act? No, I can't even lie properly. My blinking becomes erratic and unnatural and sometimes I giggle profusely. I probably shouldn't have said that because now everyone knows.
41. Can you give public speeches without freaking out? No, I freak out. But then again, I freak out about everything.
42. Ever had to think extremely hard to remember what happened the day before? Yeah, all the time.
43. Which is better: music of today, music of yesterday? BOTH!!
44. Do you drive through town, or around it? I don't understand the question.
45. Ever find humor in a part of a movie that no one else does? Sure.
46. What do you spend most of your money on? food
47. What do you waste most of your money on? I don't really waste money. But probably food.
48. Can you like the lyrics without liking the song? Sure.
49. Can you like the song without understanding the lyrics? Umm definitely.
50. Are accents a turn on? Depends on the accent. Australian/British accents = HOT (especially since I used to have one -- Australian, not British). Some accents make me want to strangle someone. Some northeastern and southern accents are really, really annoying. But some are cool.
51. Do you dream more good then bad? probably more good.
52. Can you interpret your own dreams or do you have to have someone else tell you what they think? I can interpret them. AP Psych teaches you a lot about Freudian theory/dream interpretation. Okay yeah so I'm a loser.
53. Radio or cd's? Both = good.
54. Movies or TV series? Both
55. Ever regret saying something hurtful? Yeah.
56. Ever regret expressing your love? Yeah.
57. Do you think some things should be left unsaid? Yeah.
58. Do you stand up for yourself? Mostly. To my peers, yes. To authority, no.
59. Do you stand up for others? Depends. I like to think that I do.
60. Do you know the difference between standing up for others and fighting someone else's battles? Yeah, but it's easier to tell when you're removed from the situation.
61. Things you would like to say to: (omit any that don't apply)
Favorite past teacher? I miss you!
Favorite current teacher? It's summer. No teachers.
Your boss? omit
The last person who made you cry? I hate you.
The last person who you bitched at? I'm sorry.
The last person who took you for granted? I'm better off w/o you.
The last person you hugged? I hugged like 50,000 people today. I can't remember who the last one was. Basically I hugged every person on the team because WE WON I LOVE YOU TILDEN WOODS!!!
The director of your favorite movie? Please make another movie.
Your favorite dead musician/celebrity? Umm John [Lennon] and George [Harrison]...you guys are awesome!! FDR...please come back and fix the country.
Your favorite living musician/celebrity? idk
Your best friend? I love you even though you piss me off.
Your first love? omit
Your current love? omit
62. Is there anything that you truly:
Protest? yes. Basically just conservatism in general.
Support? yes. Basically just liberalism in general.
Hate? oh so many things.
Love? Yeah. Tilden Woods is one example. And of course my family/friends. And Manhattan Bagel.
Believe in? Sure.
Ignore/doubt? Sure.
Admire? Yeah.
Want? Definitely.
Have? sure