
Dec 18, 2004 11:03

ok, wow. i must have missed the memo that said it's cool to spread lies and start rumors to screw things up for people. god, where have i been!

yea...ur cool


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Comments 4

strawberrykiwi December 19 2004, 14:05:38 UTC
wow.. amber sensing a little anger...ahhh if we could only do lunch...well have a good vacation...have fun with the fam....love ya


__sundaysex December 19 2004, 19:38:45 UTC
Yeah I think I always miss that one. Hey just blow it off becasue the real people that care are going to know the truth. Fuck everyone else. seriously.


shesmy_maggot December 24 2004, 20:01:31 UTC
who are you! There are absolutley no pictures of you or links to things that would help me figure out who you are!

maybe that was a weird first line.

I saw you in that ncsalife group thing and it said you were in the o4 va session and i was too. I know you must have been in the B group because i would konw an amber if you were in my classes. Its actually really bothering me that i cant remember who you are. So i got out those pictures kara took of us on the last day. what are you wearing in that photo? maybe this is a creepy thing to just come out and say.


strz4me21a December 28 2004, 09:41:29 UTC
yea, i remember ur face, but not ur name...i was wearing, um..i can't find it. but i think an orange shirt with strips on it...i was sitting next to kate and ally i think. hope that helps


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