Yeah I think I always miss that one. Hey just blow it off becasue the real people that care are going to know the truth. Fuck everyone else. seriously.
who are you! There are absolutley no pictures of you or links to things that would help me figure out who you are!
maybe that was a weird first line.
I saw you in that ncsalife group thing and it said you were in the o4 va session and i was too. I know you must have been in the B group because i would konw an amber if you were in my classes. Its actually really bothering me that i cant remember who you are. So i got out those pictures kara took of us on the last day. what are you wearing in that photo? maybe this is a creepy thing to just come out and say.
yea, i remember ur face, but not ur name...i was wearing, um..i can't find it. but i think an orange shirt with strips on it...i was sitting next to kate and ally i think. hope that helps <3
Comments 4
maybe that was a weird first line.
I saw you in that ncsalife group thing and it said you were in the o4 va session and i was too. I know you must have been in the B group because i would konw an amber if you were in my classes. Its actually really bothering me that i cant remember who you are. So i got out those pictures kara took of us on the last day. what are you wearing in that photo? maybe this is a creepy thing to just come out and say.
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