Quick one in case you wanna meet up...

Jul 29, 2006 19:11

Tonight is Baboon and Bob Goblin at the Cavern. Can't wait to see them play. I hope some people from work will meet us out there. Its nice to work with people who are very similar to you as far as taste and humor. I am still loving my job and life is going pretty well. Just need to get my personal stuff sorted. I have been having a great time and ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

hussyred July 30 2006, 04:01:42 UTC
SO JEALOUS! I hope you have a ton of fun! I wish I was there to rock some Bobgoblin with you :)


buenabuena July 30 2006, 08:30:11 UTC
Hope you all had an awesome time! I expect to hear all of the glorious details when next we meet! :)


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