Halloween was alright i suppose (: Julia, myself, and blair went to the old middle school for the big halloween thingy,It was alright besides the fact some dude that i was behind jumped back and almost took my two front teeth out with his fist haha...well because of blair julia is grounded for like 75875573 years (stupid gay blair i swear
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Today was good, i woke up around 9 and ate some chicken =) around 9:30 Jamous called me, which was nice. I was happy that he called me, we talked for like 3 hrs
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Let's begin with yesterday shall we. Julia and I decided to go shopping In Roanoke yesterday. So she picks me up and we go to the following places, Goodwill,books a million,mall,gas station, Vintage place and The Record Exchange
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Today was alright I suppose, I woke up and took a lovely refreshing shower and then proceded to put my red shoe laces in my red chucks ( they are so pretty now)then I went to work, which was kinda boring Soooo I called James from work and talked to him for a bit then i came back home
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