1.) Name: Angela
2.) Age: 18
3.) Location: carpentersville
4.) What's you realistic goals for a future career?: finish art school and have my bachleors, then move to the city.
5.) Are you more independent or dependent? Why?: dependent, i rely on people a lot to listen but i can be independent also.
5.) Bands (no more than five): Linkin Park, Guns N Roses..
6.) Movies (no more than five): Breakfast Club, Glory, Ferris Buellers Day Off
7.) Sport: hockey oddly enough
8.) Vacation Location & why: arkansas, nice environment and no one to bother you
9.) T.V. Shows (no more than five): CSI, Real World/Road Rules Challenge, Viva La Bam
10.) Food: spaghetti
11.) Favorite President of all time? (and why.): Clinton, he was good and no one but his wife should care what he did on his own time.
11.) What is the most stuck up thing you've ever done? i dunno, probably just snubbing someone cuz i thought that they weren't cool enough
12.) What makes you turn your head in disgust about the same sex? When girls fry themselves under a beam, every day, so they're like 10 shades darker than normal. caked on make up
13.) Now about the opposite sex? bad hygiene, i kno it's sounds lame but do you want to be around a guy who smells?
14.) Who's the last person you argued with and why? my dad, he sucks.
15.) Do you think you did a good job defending your point? yea, of course
16.) Are you self-confindent? sometimes i can be, i don't really care that much what people think anymore
17.) What's one aspect about yourself you'd want to change and why? Not be so pessimistic and be more outgoing cuz i can be too shy sometimes.
EITHER/OR: (explain your answers.)
18.) Rock -or- Rap?: Rock, who doesn't love to just rock out and go crazy.
19.) Pepsi -or- Coke?: pepsi
20.) Skateboarding -or- Rollerblading?: skateboarding
21.) Date someone with bad teeth -or- date someone with B.O.?: bad teeth
22.) Marilyn Monroe -or- Audrey Hepburn? audrey hepburn
23.) Winter -or- Summer? summer
24.) Fall -or- Spring? spring
ROAST: (This means, in a comedic style, state mean and horrible opinions on these following people. Make us laugh at your insults!)
25.) Bill Clinton: too old to be getting head and damn he gets ugly bitches.
26.) Madonna: way too old to still be singing, this bitch will be in the nursing home makin albums, fuckin geeser.
27.) Britney Spears: skany ass bitch with some fake ass boobs, take your lip synching act somewhere else whore.
28.) Ashton Kutcher: ok, a guy who likes to date someone his grandma's age and thinks its cool to hang with the ex, no one f-in cares about who the hell gets punked you punk ass bitch.
29.) *Your choice*: Liz- your skin is so fake, that's why everyone calls you fake n bake, your hair is gross, that blonde is half way grown out of your hair, and that smile is just plain gross
30.) *Your choice*:
31.) *Your choice*:
-HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THIS COMMUNITY? If from a member here, which one? Bryant (zconervativez)