(no subject)

Oct 15, 2011 14:36

NAME: Shika
AGE: 25
JOURNAL: deer_leisure
IM: OTAShika
E-MAIL: spiffystudios@gmail.com
RETURNING: Chao Lingshen

CHARACTER NAME: Twilight Sparkle
FANDOM: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
CHRONOLOGY: Season 2, after the fall of Discord
CLASS: Hero!
ALTER EGO: . . . Twilight Sparkle. The... librarian?

To start off with, Equestria (currently unknown if this is the name of the world or a country) is nothing like the world we know of. Sure, it has blue skies, grass and trees, snow and ice, cities and villages, but those similarities only last past the first glimpse.

The most major difference is that there are no humans. Instead, those cities and villages are populated by ponies. Yes, little ponies run the shops and offices and society. They're smart and adaptable creatures, and come in a wide assortment, such as earth ponies, unicorns, pegasi, and even other pony-like creatures like buffalos or zebras. And the ponies aren't the only different creatures inhabiting the world, either. Mythological, fantastical creatures also make the world their home, such as dragons, cockatrices, and manticores. The world can be rife with danger to the unprepared pony.

The other major difference is that, in Equestria, ponies are really the caretakers of the world. Nature doesn't do anything on its own. Pegasi create the weather, the ponies change the seasons themselves, and even wild animals rely on ponies to wake them from hibernation. Even the sun and moon do not rise on their own: they only rise with the help of unicorn magic from the two rulers of Equestria.

Twilight Sparkle's life in this world was a fairly easy one. She was born in Canterlot, the capital of Equestria. Once she discovered her love for studying, she was enrolled into the royal school. During the entrance exam, a sonic rainboom ended up triggering Twilight's latent ability for magic, which then began to run amuck. Princess Celestia herself, the immortal ruler of Equestria, calmed down Twilight's magic and took her in as her personal protégée. For several years, through most of her adolescence, Twilight remained with Princess Celestia and learned everything she could of magic.

During her studies she learned of the Mare in the Moon, an old pony's tale that warned of the return of Nightmare Moon from her imprisonment in the moon. It also told her defeat would come from the Elements of Harmony. During a trip to Ponyville for the Summer Sun Celebration, Nightmare Moon did indeed escape, and Twilight Sparkle found that she and her new friends (Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy) represented the six Elements of Harmony, of which Twilight Sparkle was "Magic." They defeated Nightmare Moon and returned peace to Equestria.

After that, Twilight Sparkle moved to Ponyville, tasked with the study of "the magic of friendship." She and her friends had a good many adventures, both great and small. Through their times together, the six became even closer friends.

Their friendship would be tested again with the return of Discord, the former ruler of Equestria and the embodiment of disharmony and chaos. But their friendship prevailed, and they used the Elements of Harmony to once again seal the threat to Equestria for good.

This is when she makes her grand appearance in the City.

Twilight Sparkle is, to put it simply, a bit of a nerd. She genuinely loves to study, and at the start of the series, she even does so at the expense of anything resembling a social life. She shuns invitations to parties, prompting other ponies to say, "She cares more about books than friends." But she's genuinely a very intelligent pony, and she has a tremendous natural talent for both learning and magic. Even as the series progresses and she learns to appreciate friendship and spending time with her friends, she still loves to learn new things, challenge herself, and her main hobby will always be studying.

As mentioned, Twilight does learn the value of friendship. She learns about it through her many adventures and the time she spends in Ponyville with her friends. It is, in fact, the main message of the series. Since she spent all of her time studying beforehand, every lesson she learns is completely new to her. Whether it's about keeping secrets, listening to everypony's side, or compromising, she is always learning new things about what it means to be a friend. And she tackles these lessons head-on.

On the other side of that issue, since Twilight is so new to the concept of friendship, she's often socially inept. She simply has no idea how to act in certain situations that might seem benign to anypony else. She often gets nervous, overanalyzing every social interaction she performs. How will they react to this? What if they think badly of me? What is somepony supposed to do here? She even reads books on social etiquettes and situations, and tries to follow the books to the letter, as seen in her first slumber party. She simply has no clue what to do otherwise.

When it comes to her friends, Twilight has complete faith in them. Although it falters at times, whenever it's truly important, she knows she can count on her friends and their bond to one another. Especially after the incident with Discord, she knows just how much she can count on them. She knows that she always has somebody she can turn to for help, and she knows the value of working together to achieve something she couldn't do on her own. She had a similar bond with Princess Celestia, her teacher for many years. It's shown that she has complete faith in her teacher, and the princess, in turn, has complete faith in her. It's almost a bragging point just how much they trust and care for each other. It should also be mentioned that her closest friend is, in fact, a dragon named Spike. She hatched him herself, and they've been together ever since- he operates as her assistant, and he's always there for her.

As can reasonably be pieced together from the above, Twilight is a very genuine pony. She's not prone to deception, and she's very kind and generous on top of that. She's always willing to lend a hoof to those in need. She places the highest value on friendship and the well-being of those around her, and doesn't hesitate even a moment to put herself in danger for others. She's not reckless, and does show fear at a great many times, but she always faces danger in spite of it, because it's the right thing to do. She's a noble pony, with courage and a heart of gold.

However, that's not to say that she's perfect. Her tone sometimes carries a bit of a bite to it that one might not expect of her. And she does often get frustrated, often seen around Pinkie Pie, and even angry at times. She's been known to snap, even at friends, though usually followed with an apology once she's cooled down. She has enough humility to admit when she's wrong, and is always willing to correct any mistakes she does make.

Twilight is also known to be rather stubborn when it comes to standing by her beliefs, even if she's wrong. This is most often seen when it comes to the completely supernatural - she refuses to believe in curses or Pinkie Pie's "pinkie sense," for example, even when the evidence is piling up, going to rather extreme lengths to try and provide an alternate explanation that fits her own worldview. But still, as mentioned above, she will admit she's wrong... once she's exhausted every other possible option and there is absolutely no way to deny it any longer.

It should also be mentioned that Twilight Sparkle is hyper-organized. She's known for her good organizational skills, and often make checklists for even the most benign tasks. Her organizational skills were made well-known during the winter wrap-up, where they helped save the town's reputation by getting the entire wrap-up done on time.

All in all, she's a very good pony to have as a friend, even if she's not all that used to having them.

Although human in Cape and Cowl, Twilight Sparkle retains her ability to use her unicorn magic. In Equestria, unicorns can use a small array of magic in line with their "special talent." But for Twilight, her special talent is magic, giving her a much wider range of abilities to choose from, and a great amount of power with which to use them.

The most benign use of her magic is psychokinesis, or moving objects with her power. As a pony, this came in obvious use since it was rather hard to grip anything. Almost every unicorn could do this much, using it to lift books, write, bake a cake, sew a dress, or whatever else they might need to do. Twilight is strong enough to use this to move water towers or levitate large boulders (named Tom.)

Her magic has shown many other uses, such as teleporting (both herself and others,) growing mustaches, granting movement to objects, and even a spell that "fixes everything".... although that last spell failed.

And she can learn more spells by experimentation and studying.

In Equestria, Twilight Sparkle was a pony. Everypony else she knew was also a pony of some sort (with a few exceptions.) So even though she's become a human, she will retain her deep connection to horses of all sorts.

This power lets her communicate with and understand the feelings of all horses/horselike creatures.

[ The video feed clicks on to the panicked face of a girl with indigo hair. The reason why is fairly obvious, as the video is showing the interior of a kitchen... which currently has the oven on fire.

The entire oven. ]

I, um... I seem to have a bit of a problem here.

[ The feed moves as she moves her communicator, showing a better view of the fire, which also shows some pretty bad damage to the wall behind it, just barely visible behind the flames. It's also obvious now that she isn't moving it with her arms. ]

I don't know what I did wrong! I mean, they said the red thing was a fire extinguisher, but when I threw it into the fire, it didn't help at all!

Oooo, I wish I had taken the time to learn that fire suppression spell...!

[ She lets out a small "eep!" as she notices the fire spreading through the kitchen. She quickly moves to vacate the room, her communicator floating along behind her. ]

Somepony tell me what to do in this situation...!

People were giving her funny looks as she moved past. Some thought she was acting odd, but many were shaking their heads, saying "She's had too much to drink," and walking past. And none of them were offering to help.

Twilight Sparkle didn't pay them any mind. She didn't need their help. She had this... well under control.

All right, that was a lie.

"You can do this," she said to herself as she propped herself up on the side of the building, shuffling along slowly. It hadn't taken her long to figure out that these creatures moved only on their back hooves... sorry, feet... just as Spike did. It made sense. Their front hooves were obviously not meant for walking.

And, of course, the real mystery was... why the heck was she one of these creatures to begin with? She didn't remember casting any spells that could have backfired this spectacularly. Could it be something planned by Discord? No, no, that wasn't it...

It may have been a side-effect of arriving in this place. After all, the people in this city were obviously this type of creature themselves. So people arriving to be "heroes," as the strange mechanism had stated, were all turned into these things?

Lost in thought as she was, she ended up tripping on a crack in the ground and falling flat on her face, letting out a dignified "Elp!" as she fell.

Laying there on the ground, she thought of just how hopeless this situation was. She was trapped in a world away from her own, none of her friends were with her, and she wasn't even a unicorn any more - she wasn't even a pony of any kind! She couldn't even walk right. How did everypony... everybody... else walk upright like this? She could manage the balance to stand just fine, but to walk was an exercise in balance she couldn't handle. What if they needed to trot? It boggled the mind.

Letting out a groan, she pushed herself off the ground into a sitting position. The people around her were simply moving around her, moving on as if in some great hurry. Maybe they were. She didn't know.

"All right, Twilight Sparkle," she said to herself, "you can do this." She knew that if her friends were in her position, they wouldn't give up. Applejack would probably master this new kind of walking right away. Rainbow Dash wouldn't give up until she had. Pinkie Pie would just laugh every time she fell and get right back up. Fluttershy wouldn't complain at all, and simply keep going. Rarity......... okay, Rarity would probably complain a lot, but she would get it done all the same.

She let thoughts of her friends give her strength, and got back to her feet. Her balance wasn't all that great, and she visibly wobbled trying to stand upright, but she stayed upright all the same. Using the side of the building next to her as support, she took another step.

She would do this.

Now if only she knew where she was going....

As is fairly obvious from the above, Twilight Sparkle will be becoming human for her time in the City. This will take a lot of adjustment, but that should be fun to play out.

app, cape and cowl

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